Right-Wing Populism, the Last Best Hope

I was summoned for jury duty earlier this month. Subsequently, I found that I exceeded the cut-off age. My tangential response was to internally query my use on QoL (and on the-pipeline and my email account) of a picture taken in 2005. Alas, nineteen years have since sped by. But then, if I were to update, with what? I took a number of selfies. Deletion upon deletion ensued as they successively revealed that my looks were not nearly as prepossessing as I had hoped. Surely the camera can lie once in a while? It is such a trial of life trying to look better than one’s best as first genetics tell the tale and thence age takes its toll.

I eventually decided that one wearing a Liverpool FC beanie, which I bought on my trip to Liverpool earlier this year, was the best of a bad lot. Though I haven’t yet had the courage to put it up. But a beanie, I think, is an inspired choice. It is manifestly working class. I mean you wouldn’t find Malcom Turnbull or Kier Starmer in one. I don’t think you would anyway.

In other words, the elite who have done so much to ruin our Judaeo-Christian culture, and who are white-anting it as we speak, would be unlikely to don a beanie. It is blue-collar head gear. Ergo it is consistent with the goal of protecting all that is good in Western civilisation. After all, why did Brexit succeed? Why did the ‘No’ vote win handsomely? Simply because a majority of the mass of down-to-earth men and women in the street still plainly have a quota of commonsense. My federal electorate of North Sydney, populated by the more well-to-do university-educated folk, voted in Kylie Tink. Need I say more. Well, yes, as it happens. Sixty percent of those same folk voted ‘Yes’ in an exact reversal of the national vote.

A drift of blue-collar votes meant that Trump scored 63 million votes in 2016, only 3 million behind the sainted Obama’s total in 2012. And he went on to score 74 million in 2020, although failing to beat Biden who apparently got 81 million votes – nudge, nudge, wink, wink. If Trump wins in November it will only be because even more blue-collar traditional Democrat voters see sense. I doubt he’ll gain many votes from those whose present experience or relatively recent past includes swanning around university campuses.

How do you appeal to working class voters? Lower cost of living? Better schools and hospitals? Maybe, to a limited extent. But they are not stupid. They know for example that flooding their country with migrants will overcrowd all services and disrupt their way of life. Their way of life. Now there’s a thought.

Their way of life is inextricably tied in with their culture. Their culture stems from the very separation of their country from others. They are not insular but neither are they global citizens. They value their culture and the country that protects and preserves it. They are in a word patriotic, without at all being scoundrels.

So, what do the ABC, the BBC, NPR, CNN, and their ilk call politicians who tap into patriotism? ‘Right-wing populists’ is the term of derision. Au contraire, right-wing populism isn’t a dirty term. Of course Hitler is typecast as being right wing and he had periods of great popularity, especially when warring and winning. However, I am not sure whether the National Socialist German Workers’ Party sounds right wing in any sense. It comes down to what right wing means.

First, let’s deal with monsters. Monsters are alike. They deal in hate and violence directed at those unlike them in looks or allegiances or opinions. They are not on a political spectrum. They are on a psychological spectrum. Bovver boys in hobnail boots roaming the streets or Islamists burning down synagogues or Brownshirts or Red Guards are part of a sickness that can’t be politicised. They are nothing to do with politics. Was Hitler a fascist or a socialist? Who cares. Monsters cannot be meaningfully characterised in that way. Without naming names, for obvious reasons, I reckon that a few current-day Australian politicians can be best described as operating on the sick end of a psychological spectrum rather than on a political spectrum. But that’s by the way.

How to define a right-winger? It’s complex but one thing it means is putting your country first over all others. In our case, putting Australia first. Australian people first. What does that mean when it comes to, say, illegal immigration. It means stopping it. Not talking about stopping it, à la Rishi Sunak. Among other things, It means turning boats back to their port of embarkation. And, for the avoidance of doubt, this is not about saving asylum-seeker lives in rickety boats at sea. It is about deciding “who comes to this country and the circumstances in which they come.”

So who belongs to this grouping? A very, very small number of political leaders. Give or take, Donald Trump, Nigel Farage, Geert Wilders, Marine Le Penn, Giorgia Meloni, Jair Bolsonaro, Javier Milei come immediately to my mind. Very few media types. But, a very large number of blue-collar voters are certainly onside or persuadable.

As to the Left, unfortunately along with its longstanding fondness for globalism – presumably a Marxian inheritance (workers of the world unite) — it has embraced the current crop of woke fads and fancies. Of course, there is generally a chasm between monsters and those on the left. Yet, for all that, socialism does have a way too of leading to misery.

One hallmark of right wingers is that these days they are distinctly on the outer. When you consider the current policies leading inexorably to misery, you will find a political alliance between those who typecast themselves as being on the left (e.g., Labor) and those who pretend to be right of centre but who are really, by any objective historical measure, left of centre. Thus we get unholy agreements on net-zero, mass immigration, multiculturalism, useless foreign aid, large refugee intakes, massive unaffordable welfare programs, and so on.

Far from being a dirty term, right-wing popularism is the last best hope of patriots. The rise of the beanies. The worst nightmare for globalists.

26 thoughts on “Right-Wing Populism, the Last Best Hope

  • Alistair says:

    FYI … The best explanation of Brexit and the creation of the “far right” that I have come across actually comes from (of all places!) Country Squire Magazine.

    Post Brexit Tory Doom.
    It even has some nice diagrams!

  • john mac says:

    To invert O’Sullivan’s law , Anyone not explicitly left wing is “Far Right” . Flick through any newscast and Tucker Carlson is labelled far right , ditto Jordan Peterson . You never hear the crones on the “View” being labelled “Far left” or any university professor espousing support for Hamas , or Lgbtq causes .That channels 9,7, 10 trade in this pernicious nonsense is lamentable , as one expects this only from their ABC and SBS , which we get in spades .

  • lbloveday says:

    Like it or not, she’s Marine Le Pen.

    • Peter Smith says:

      Thancks Lblovedayy, thses dais I thing the hardist think in lyfe is to right a few hundrid werds wuthout makin a slep, especeally whin spel chek sieze nothig amis.

    • Botswana O'Hooligan says:

      Yairs, she has been around since I lived in France thirty years ago, but you have to be careful about the pronunciation of her surname for when pronounced our way it can mean “rabbit” or something more to do with the male member, just as in Russia “flour” pronounced our way can be “fly” or “pain” and thus causes much merriment to shop assistants when one blithely orders a kilo of flies or pain.

      • lbloveday says:

        My first trip to NZ brought the pronunciation issue to my attention, even though it was English/English. I remember clearly the sex/six pronunciation but there was a more important one that I have forgotten (it was 50 or so years ago), and unusually it did not come to me when I slept on it. Since then I have oftentimes caused mirth by mispronouncing non-English words.
        Spelling is also important – a columnist screeched at me “it’s obvious who I mean” when I pointed out Senator Price’s name was Jacinta when she seemingly referred to Price as Jacinda in an article in which she also referred to NZ’s then PM Ardern.
        On the other hand notable columnists Piers Akerman and Janet Albrechtsen have thanked me via personal emails and corrected the errors I pointed out, and this from David Penberthy:
        “Good on you Len. Pedantry is important, it keeps us honest and accurate. All the best. Dave”.

        • Ian MacDougall says:

          Why do the kiwis make such poor mathematicians? It all starts in their kindergartens, where the beginners say “one, two, three, four, five, sucks….” And give it away for good at that point. 😉

        • lbloveday says:

          Very recently I pointed out an error in a Chris Kenny article in The Australian.
          Kenny replied on-line:
          “Good pick up – a typo there – …….. – will fix’.
          And promptly made the correction.
          A mature response from an, in my opinion, excellent journalist (Voice notwithstanding), and quite a contrast to the childish reactions of some.

  • Peter Marriott says:

    Good on you Peter, I’m with you as another beanie wearer, and see myself these days as certainly right of centre,
    In fact I hardly think there is a real solid centre any more, and should add that I agree with John O’Sullivan’s thinking, that if you’re not right you eventually end up left… or possibly just “fall apart” as in that great little 1919 poem of Yeats “The Second Coming “.

    • pgang says:

      Conservatism also tends to grow with maturity though. A bit of responsibility in life goes a long way towards appreciating what actually matters and what is real. On the other hand the easier private wealth is to come by, such as for the general population of Peter’s North Shore or the inmates of universities, the easier reality can be forgotten or overlooked. Things are a bit different for farmers and people who have to work hard to live.
      I still have a beanie with a pom-pom which comes about once a year at the footy on that mega cold day.

  • Sindri says:

    I prefer the good old-fashioned term “conservative” myself, because it’s an accurate description (needless to say, nothing to do with any political party).
    It infuriates me to see Georgia Meloni described haughtily by the bien-pensant press as “far right”. What nonsense! She’s by far the best PM Italy has had for ages, and she’s also, incidentally, clear-eyed about what is at stake in Ukraine. What a contrast to that pampered, self-indulgent fool Tucker Carlson, whose first effusion after being sacked from Fox was on the subject of UFOs, and who says in justification of Putin “Why, he’s never sacked me”.

  • Lonsdale says:

    Peter, put it up!! Our man in a beanie!!

    • Peter Smith says:

      Was at the point Lonsdale, but the powers that be told me that a new web presentation is on its way with stylised pictures which are basically ageless. Suits me.

  • David Isaac says:

    The right wing in the Estates General was originally for the monarchy as the protector of the nation and for the Catholic church, a partial socialist counterweight to aristocratic privilege.

  • KemperWA says:

    I agree with Sindri. Left, right, centre are terms that I have never ascribed to myself, instead I will always conserve what matters to me. I want to conserve the sanitation and tidiness of my neighbourhood. I want to preserve my psychological freedom to buy my daily bread in peace instead of being harassed by Woolworths store loudspeaker recorded and replayed on-repeat telling me to be thankful I am shopping on Aboriginal land (surely this practise is illegal). I want to conserve my retired father’s life instead of him nearly being run-over twice on his bicycle, 500m from home, on his way to buy the paper (two separate instances of subcontinental driver incompetence, i.e., reversing blind into a T-junction instead of using a driveway, and driving along a footpath, yes a footpath).
    Over the last two days I heard some news that leads me to confirm something is off with Australia’s immigration Policy. An African couple lit a charcoal fire in their rental house to provide heat, causing them both to slip into comas. An Indian man returned to his Perth suburban home after attempting to murder the father of his ex-wife as per their ‘honour’ system in India, like nothing had happened. I have been assaulted twice by subcontinental men in cars, first occasion was the throwing of a full bottle of water at my arm, causing cuts and welts, as I was cycling alongside the car, second occasion a man attempted to run me over with his car after I dared ask him what he and his fellow countrymen were staring at as I walked home from work. I have long suspected that amongst these large volumes of men coming from Pakistan, Bangladesh and India, that there are some who will not hesitate to injure or kill Australian women and others. Now, given these examples, either the Australian government bar for civility and mental competency for entry and permanent residency into Australia has been set woefully low, or assimilation and integration ‘on-boarding’ programmes have ceased to exist. Those who vote for this are sheltered in their upper-class neighbourhoods, barricaded in their increasingly large SUV’s, while we Australians are put at risk. If being conservative means I want to protect my life and family, then, by the grace of God, I am ready to face the passionate intensity of those who denigrate me.

    • john mac says:

      Related to your post , KWA, I would like to see the statistics on all drownings in Australia , beaches, pools and rivers . Almost every time a drowning is reported in the news , Sub-continentals , Africans , an less so , Asians are the victims yet the tone of the newscasts focus on remedies for ALL of us , including restrictions of course and this infuriates me . Even here in Adelaide over the past few years , at Glenelg beach ( a safer swimming beach you wouldn’t find ) both Africans and Indians have drowned , In a backyard swimming pool , an African teen (tresspassing) drowned ! This costs society on many levels but is just another multicultural fact swept under the rug .

      • KemperWA says:

        I sympathise with your frustration Mr Mac, the tone of the newscasts is utterly infantile. It appears to be a socialist method of communicating, whereby they are too frightened to be deprecating in any way. I have noticed a marked increase in immigrant families moving into newly converted rentals here who allow toddlers and young children to wander very close to busy roads. Many of the rentals have no backyards nor front fencing (councils’ fault, not mine). Their culture is to conduct their business on the verge or street rather than inside the home or backyard. Council is frightened these children will be hit by a car, so what do they do? Speed humps all down the streets. Ow my back!
        It is much easier for a socialist-leaning council (using ratepayer funds) to simply plonk these on every side street to ‘calm’ the traffic down, essentially punishing law-abiding folk, rather than guiding the newly arrived to be understanding of their new country. What happened to personal responsibility, obligation, restraint, common sense?

  • Sindri says:

    Case in point – the Financial Times has just solemnly posted this tripe about the first round victory of Marine Le Pen:
    “By contrast, the far right, which has not been in power since the Vichy regime collaborated with Nazi Germany in 1940-1944, could move from the fringes of politics to the heart of government.”
    Whatever you think of Marine Le Pen, to suggest that she is an extremist like Pierre Laval, who was executed for treason, or Pétain, who was gaoled for life, is just journalistic mendacity dressed up as factual reporting,

  • Katzenjammer says:

    ‘Far-right’ is anything that was, and still is, ordinary and traditional. Should add ‘discernably biological’ to that.

    ‘Progressive’ is the cult like belief in an inevitable utopian world just around the corner, and progressives deserve it as they are the first truly moral generation in world history. Gee, that sound too much like the rapture.

  • Bron says:

    There are plenty of true blue Aussies who commit dangerous manouvers on the road, particularly endangering cyclists. I find Indians and Sri Lankans to be good people in general. You have to accept that once they are naturalized Australians, their driving skills will improve. And ultimately they will read the signs warning of the risks of king waves and slippery rocks. How these drownings infringe on the rights of others is not clear to me.
    Sorry guys but the topic in discussion is conservatism in politics and wearing of beanies.

    • KemperWA says:

      I understand Bron, it is certainly not my intention to paint all with one brush, the printed word is devoid of nuance. I can only write and present evidence of what has occurred to me and what I see on a daily basis, as is my right (for how long?) to do so. However, I do not share your optimism. I am from an area that feels the effects of decisions made by government of all persuasions with a steady stream of new arrivals, moving in as fast as they move out, who have no incentive at all to integrate. My attempts at putting something right is met with abuse or blank stares.
      I used to be a die-hard Labor supporter but they simply don’t represent me (or their old selves) any more. I now find solace in conservatism and their values of common sense, freedom of speech and personal responsibility. I also believe in live- and-let live, but that requires a cohesive society, does it not? When we Australians aren’t conserving our living standards, we are losing them. Rgds.

    • David Isaac says:

      There is no question that many of these people are fine people. Some will assimilate somewhat over a generation or so. Even with intermarriage they will never be a true part of the Australian nation and the extended European Western civilization however. It is not in our interests to allow them in in large numbers as is occurring at present. End multicullturalism now.

  • john mac says:

    Of course it’s not clear to you when you are wedded to an ideology . You are encouraging a future hell for the Western world , but feel so good about yourself , which is more important , eh

  • Bron says:

    John Mac
    What ideology am I wedded to?

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