Dill-igence at Fairfax

nancyIN his latest Media Watch Dog, Gerard Henderson shares the note he dashed off to The Age in response to a column by Labor historian Nick Dyrenfurth, who insisted he was unfit to judge entries in the non-fiction category of the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards. This has been a popular theme of late, with sundry correspondents gasping like maiden aunts confronted by a priapic stallion, so one might imagine that a reasonable newspaper would wish to offer at a least a couple of column inches for a response.

Alas, The Age “was unable to find space” for Henderson’s reply, although the deeper thoughts of those who share the fading media outfit’s world view seem to encounter no obstacles on the path to publication, including competent editing. Consider this missive in the Saturday edition of the SMH:

Re Gerard Henderson’s appointment as chairman of judging panel for Prime Minister’s Prize for Australian History, has Keith Windshuttle written any good books lately? — Terry Hughes East Maitland

There are just 24 simple words in that note, which should have presented a simple fact-checking chore for any reasonably astute editor, but all that censoring and spiking must have left insufficient time for attending to what used to be regarded as the most basic of any journalist’s obligations: get the bloke’s name right.

Memo to Fairfax editors: The Quadrant editor’s name takes a “c”, as in Windschuttle.

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