Black like Lambie?

lambie smallIn the year since Australians turfed out the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd government, PUP Senator Jackie Lambie has been a question in need of an answer. Just what factors could possibly have shaped the life and character of this woman whose yen for a rich, priapic bloke has been but one of the headline-grabbing pronouncements and perspectives that have secured her a seemingly permanent place in the national spotlight.

“I acknowledge and pay my respects to Australia’s Aboriginal traditional owners. I share their blood, culture and history through my mother’s, Sue Lambie’s, family,” the new Senator explained in her maiden speech.

“We trace our history over six generations to celebrated Aboriginal chieftain of the Tasmania east coast, Mannalargenna.”

mansell clyde smallNot so fast, insists Clyde Mansell (right), another Tasmanian keen to emphasise his own, officially recognised Aboriginality.

“That’s my family,” he said of the Mannalargenna line, “and she’s not part of it.”

The ABC has the story so far. No indication as yet that Lambie is contemplating taking action under Section 18C to seek redress for her hurt feelings, but if she decides to subject Mansell to a stiff dose of the Bolt treatment then the columnist’s thoughts on the matter would be worth keeping in mind.

“Know that if Lambie can prove this tenuous and disputed link that she will have different legal status to non-Aboriginal Australians on the grounds of her different ‘race’, should the proposed changes to change the Constitution to acknowledge Aborigines succeed.”

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