Erin Go Blah!

drag queen and admas

James Delingpole on what’s wrong with the world, not least of which being the many self-congratulatory exclamations of fearlessness and tolerance after Ireland’s vote to redfine the meaning of the Old Sod

Which is worse, asks Delingpole?

a) opposing gay marriage


b) abducting a mother of ten in front of her weeping children, suffocating her with a plastic bag, shooting her in the head and burying her in an unmarked grave?

Well, obviously we know the answer is a) because we can see it in the above heartwarming picture, taken during the recent Irish referendum on same sex marriage.

It shows gay rights activist Rory O’Neill (aka drag queen Panti Bliss) sharing a lovely group hug with David Norris (an Irish Senator who lobbied for the 1993 decriminalisation of gay sex) and, of course, with the unmistakably vulpine figure of Gerry Adams, the sinister Sinn Fein president who continues to deny he was ever a member of the IRA.

Aaaahhh. Doesn’t it make you feel all warm and gooey inside?

Delingpole is only warming up. The rest of his column via the link below


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