Bill Muehlenberg

Social engineers and the abuse of children

Whenever the radicals seek to remake society in their own image, there will always be casualties. And invariably children will be among the first to suffer. All these activists are concerned about is their own selfish agenda, and they don’t give a rip about how many others will be harmed along the way.

The push for same-sex marriage and adoption rights is a classic case of this. The militant homosexuals simply want to indulge their own lusts, and care not one iota who gets hurt in the process. But with all such radical social engineering, the biggest losers will be children.

In my new book, Strained Relations: The Challenge of Homosexuality, I thoroughly document how children suffer as a result of the homosexual agenda being rammed down our throats. And I quote plenty of homosexuals themselves who realise just how destructive their lifestyle choices can be.

Let me offer a few paragraphs from that book: “One woman who was raised by lesbians now runs a support and recovery program for those coming out of the homosexual lifestyle and their families. She put it this way: ‘I realise that homosexuals feel they can give a child love and support that even many straight families can’t provide, but I’ve been there. I know the finger-pointing and the shame one carries. For years, you struggle with the thought that you might be a homosexual. People say “like mother, like daughter.” Most of us become promiscuous to prove we’re straight.’

“Another woman says this of her upbringing by two homosexuals: ‘From 40 years of experience, I can tell you that, even though my father loved me, his homosexual orientation handicapped my ability to learn to relate to life in a healthy way. My homosexual home stunted my growth as a person and as a woman, not to mention the damaging effect of 16 years of drugs and alcohol abuse on my early childhood development. I spent the first 20 years of my life in a family that nearly destroyed me and the last 20 years analyzing and being analyzed in order to make sense of it. The bottom line is: I was dearly loved by my father. His love alone was not enough to give me the foundation that I needed to grow into a secure young woman…. My father and I have looked back through the past and discussed the issue of homosexual parenting. With great remorse, he agrees the homosexual lifestyle, no matter how conservative, is not healthy for children. My father and I agree: homosexuality and raising healthy children exclude each other.’

“Or consider the tragic case of a twelve-year-old Melbourne boy who has run away from home five times. The reason? He refuses to live with his mother and her lesbian partner. The boy’s father has repeatedly been denied access to the child, and the boy has threatened to kill himself as a result.

“And finally, someone who can speak from experience in this area. A lesbian mother has publicly expressed her regret at bearing three children through artificial insemination. The New Zealand woman, who says she is ‘now in the process of becoming a heterosexual,’ had a stormy relationship with her lesbian lover, which eventually broke down. Her comments are worth noting: ‘I realise now that I deprived my kids of their right to a father, and I see the hurt in their faces every day. . . . I believe children should have the best opportunities in life. The best way they can have a balanced view of what is normal is with heterosexual parents’.”

In my book I also quote from one noted lesbian and pro-abortion feminist, Tammy Bruce. She is also the former president of the LA chapter of the National Organisation for Women, but she is greatly alarmed by homosexual activism. This is what she says about the issue of children and the homosexual agenda: “Today’s gay activists have carried the campaign a step further, invading children’s lives by wrapping themselves in the banner of tolerance. It is literally the equivalent of the wolf coming to your door dressed as your grandmother.”

She continues, “The radicals in control of the gay establishment want children in their world of moral decay, lack of self-restraint, and moral relativism. Why? How better to truly belong to the majority (when you’re really on the fringe) than by taking possession of the next generation? By targeting children, you can start indoctrinating the next generation with the false construct that gay people deserve special treatment and special laws. How else can the gay establishment actually get society to believe, borrowing from George Orwell, that gay people are indeed more equal than others? Of course, the only way to get that idea accepted is to condition people into accepting nihilism that forbids morality and judgment.”

Homosexual activists claim that same-sex marriage rights and adoption rights will harm no one, so we should just butt out and allow them to do their thing. But as I have just shown above (and in far greater detail in the rest of my book), this is simply one big lie. Such radical social changes affect everyone, and most importantly, children.

A story in today’s press provides yet another sickening example of all this. Here is how the story opens: “A lesbian couple in California who say their 11-year-old son Tommy who wants to be a girl named Tammy are giving their child hormone blockers that delay the onset of puberty – so that he can have more time that he can have more time to decide if he wants to change his gender.”

While this couple seems to think this is all just peachy keen, not everyone is impressed with this insanity. The article continues: “Critics of the treatment say 11-year-olds are not old enough to make life-altering decisions about changing their gender, and parents should not be encouraging them. They say it’s too soon to tell what the side effects of the treatments may be, and they say Tommy’s parents, Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel, are irresponsible for seeking them and allowing them to be administered.

“‘This is child abuse. It’s like performing liposuction on an anorexic child,’ said Dr. Paul McHugh, professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University. ‘It is a disorder of the mind. Not a disorder of the body. Dealing with it in this way is not dealing with the problem that truly exists. We shouldn’t be mucking around with nature. We can’t assume what the outcome will be,’ McHugh said.

“Dr. Manny Alvarez, senior managing health editor of Fox News, said the hormone blockers also may pose a medical risk. ‘I think that it’s highly inappropriate to be interfering with natural hormonal growth patterns,’ Alvarez said. ‘There are significant potential problems necessary for growth and development. Potential long-term effects can include other abnormalities of hormones, vascular complications and even potential cancer. I think that if this child – as he finishes his puberty and teenage years – decides to undergo a transgender procedure – then there are proper channels to do so. But to do it at the age of 11 – to me – could be potentially dangerous to the health of this child,’ he said.”

Others have expressed their concerns as well: “Critics say that some children who question their identity at a very young age might change their mind when they start adolescence. ‘Most transgender patients will say that they knew at 6 years old. But what we don’t know is how many others had those thoughts and feelings that went away once they hit puberty,’ said Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel, a professor at Boston University and a plastic surgeon who specializes in facial feminization operations for transgender men.

“‘While it may be a good therapy for those who’ve committed to transgender, it may not be good for those who might have changed their mind once they hit puberty and beyond.’ Walt Heyer, whose book Paper Genders details his own experience transitioning from a man to a woman and back again, agreed. ‘The blockers should NOT be introduced to a child,’ Heyer said. ‘If they are going to make a transition, they should wait to do so when they reach 18 to 20 years old. When you start the therapy at that age you are not dealing with the fact that the mind is not fully developed.’

“Heyer also cited a Dutch study that said 61 percent of individuals who desire a gender change are found to have secondary psychiatric disorders, such as depression or dissociative disorder, which he suffered from. Other critics asked whether Tommy’s same-sex parents may be unknowingly influencing his questions about his gender.

“‘Undue influence on the child simply has to be ruled out,’ said psychiatrist Keith Ablow, a Fox News contributor. ‘It’s the psychologically correct thing to do, the ethical thing to do and the moral thing to do. Obviously, when two females adopt a male child, then assert that the child is not actually male, but is, instead, actually a female – like both of them. Everyone in the family should be psychologically evaluated in a comprehensive way before a step like gender reassignment is considered,’ said Ablow.”

But all this seems to mean nothing to these two selfish lesbians who not only want to remake society into their own image, but remake their own son into their distorted and troubled image. This is really part of a war which has been declared by the activists against our society and our children.

For the sake of our children, we better start speaking up, and real soon.

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