Paris backgrounder

climate-weatherAs Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull prepares for his grand entrance to the world’s stage at the Paris climatefest a number of questions remain to be answered:

1/ Will he be accompanied by an even greater number of personal photographers, attendants, flunkies and business-class free flyers than Kevin Rudd took to Copenhagen?

2/ Will Australia’s promises of generosity to Third World kleptocrats bear any relation to the casualty count as PM Turnbull hip-and-shoulders his way through the throng to display and disport himself before the assembled cameras of the world?

3/ With how much gusto will the travelling members of the Australian press corps explain to their international counterparts that, while much of what PM Turnbull will declaim for the cameras may sound like hollow, pretentious waffle, it and he really are Divine gifts to all humanity?

and finally

4/ When PM Turnbull returns from Paris, how many press corps accounts will include variations on the line that Tony Abbott could never, ever have given away so much in so little time, and is there nothing Australia’s latest leader cannot do?

For those not privileged to be flying on the taxpayers’ tab to the City of Light, the graphic atop this item will be useful when PM Turnbull is ready for his close-up. Keep it handy, as climate scientists and their enablers tend not to speak in the same tongue as those charged with paying  their excess baggage fees.

Thanks to The People’s Blog for supplying the graphic. For more on Paris and the one word no delegate will mention — “Climategate”, in case you can’t guess — see the Watts Up With That post via the link below.


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