David Morrison’s offensive

morrisonFor far too long, many have laboured under the misconception that Remembrance Day, November 11, is for recalling in mute gratitude the sacrifice of those who gave their lives for their country. How old fashioned, un-hip and out of touch they must be! According to David Morrison, formerly the nation’s top military man, er, person, today should be all about injustice. Dead soldiers, sailors and airmen get so much attention while victims of domestic violence go unmourned. Here is how SBS reported his latest insight:

On Wednesday – Remembrance Day – the hundreds of thousands who died in war over the past century would be recalled, he said.

“We will honour the courage of those men and women,” the retired lieutenant-general, who made headlines with his 2013 video calling out sexist soldiers, told the audience.

“And yet we don’t do that for the millions of women and children who throughout that century have been the victims of domestic violence.”

David Morrison is no longer overseeing the pointy end of Australia’s defence capacity. On this Remembrance Day, a solemn occasion, it seems there is at least one thing from which we can draw a measure of comfort and good cheer.

The SBS report can be read in full via the link below.

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