Cock-and-Turnbull Pieties

gender fairyPlatitudinous drivel! That is what we are now coming to expect from Malcolm Turnbull, and he has remained true to form with his utterances about the absurdly named ‘Safe Schools Coalition’ program, designed by LGBTI militants to socialize pre-teen Years 7 & 8 into accepting that heterosexuality has no biological basis and is merely a socially constructed choice with no more inherent normality or legitimacy than homosexuality, bisexuality, intersexuality, or transgenderism.

Conservative politicians, including Nationals MP George Christensen, are warning that the program is both insidious and indistinguishable from the ‘grooming’ methods employed by pedophiles. Christensen also warned that it promotes pornographic content, sex shops, and sex clubs, while also directing youngsters to websites that provide advice on sex toys, sadomasochism, and how to deceive their parents. Despite all this, Turnbull has failed to reject green-left demands that he “slap down” conservative MPs, like Christensen, who criticize the program. Indeed, to the extent that his sincerity can be believed, he virtually endorsed the activist position.

“I encourage everybody who is discussing these issues to do so in very measured language — and to consider very carefully the impact of the words they use on young people and on their families,” Turnbull warned ominously, apparently more concerned with the progressivist backlash and the alleged hurt feelings of a tiny minority, than with the vast majority of children and parents who are presently being exposed to the outrageous propaganda promoted in the Safe Schools campaign.

Turnbull went on to discourse at length (as usual) about “mutual respect”, “the strength of our society”, the danger of bullying, and so on, as if the only way to protect sexually confused or inquisitive children from bullying is to launch a nationwide campaign of intense social engineering designed explicitly to denigrate heterosexuality and advocate LGBTI life-styles to hundreds of thousands of 12- and 13-year-old children.

A primary teaching resource of the program, All of Us (funded by the Victorian Labor government), explicitly instructs these children to contact a list of LGBTI advocacy groups and access their websites for information. As The Australian has independently confirmed (“Schools program ‘like grooming’”, 26/2), if students find these sites blocked at school they are told to challenge their teachers and insist that access is to them is important.

Students are also given advice on how to “cover your tracks” when accessing these or similar LGBTI websites, so as not to alert their parents or teachers to what they are doing.

So much for ‘mutual respect’!

We should be under no illusions about where this is all heading. As distasteful as it might be, we need only think for a moment about the sort of questions that will arise in the minds of 12- and 13-year-old children as they try to get to grips not only with the nature and mechanics of heterosexual activity, but also comprehend the possibilities and intricacies of male and female homosexual, bisexual, and transgender sexual activity.

As an ex-teacher who has taught at this level I can well imagine the welter of hands that will spring up once this particular can of worms has been opened. I can also easily imagine the outrage that will be unleashed once the students have gone home and confronted mum and dad with the erotic mysteries of the so-called LGBTI ‘community’.

Ultimately, it is difficult not to conclude that Turnbull either: (a) doesn’t know what’s in the Safe Schools program, and therefore doesn’t know what he’s talking about; (b) does know but doesn’t care; or (c) knows very well what’s in it, wants very much to promote it, and is indeed prepared to “slap down” any Coalition MP who gets in its way.

As an arch-progressivist, Turnbull is very comfortable with the idea that the state should be involved in the most intimate areas of the everyday lives of citizens. Consequently, he was initially quite relaxed about education minister Simon Birmingham’s promotion and defence of the campaign, only calling for a ‘review’ (which will undoubtedly be a whitewash) when conservative public opinion and political pressure became irresistible.

However, one wonders whether Turnbull (or his wife) will be so relaxed were the issue to become as personal for them as it now is for ordinary parents struggling to deal with early adolescent children being prematurely exposed to aggressive LGBTI propaganda.  How will Grandpa and Grandma Turnbull react when their own grandchildren reach that age and encounter the Safe Schools or another future LGBTI propaganda campaign?

Will they be able to elevate themselves to the dizzy heights of relaxed libertinism and cultural relativism occupied by progressivists when the issue becomes as real for them as they have made it for the rest of us? Or will they come crashing down to earth when the political become the personal for them too?

Tragically, even if they do, it may be far too late for many innocent kids made victims of progressivist social engineering and ushered into adulthood with nothing but confusion and fear about their sexuality.

9 thoughts on “Cock-and-Turnbull Pieties

  • Turnbull is a fraud par excellence, which is becoming ever more obvious to more and more people. Shorten’s hopeless inadequacies are no longer sufficient to camouflage Turnbull’s own dishonesty. Come election time, he will crash and burn as a result. A hung parliament would probably be enough to see him crushed and hopefully hounded out of politics, together with many of his treacherous, cowardly supporters within the party.

  • Perhaps over the last 40 or so years we have each been too ambivalent like Malcolm Turnbull. Over the years we sowed now we reap. Why did we not stop the ABC promoting the lifestyle of a tiny minority when it for decades screened the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gra. Why did we laugh along with the cross-dressing Barry Humphries. Why didn’t John Howard defund, reform, or privatise the ABC and why did he persuade Malcolm Turnbull to stay on in parliament. Why was Tony Abbott so inarticulate in office, why so committed to his PPL scheme and why so uncommitted to free speech reform.

    One can understand the hopeful support for Donald Trump in the US when it is said that nothing could be worse than the government they have had.

  • Keith Kennelly says:

    Vote labor in the lower house and conservative in the Senate.

    We’ll be stuck with Shorten who will be stuck with an opposing Senate.

    That way we’ll drift for a couple of years, without any great harm being done.

  • Christensen was spot on with his remarks: “All of Us” is an attempt to manipulate children for the purpose of encouraging deviant sexual behaviour, and in other contexts that manipulation would deservedly be labelled as criminal.

    It would not have been surprising to see such vile stuff promoted by the Greens. But having a Liberal minister actively promote such insanity, backed by a Liberal prime minister, illuminates for us the depths into which the Liberal Party has now sunk in its post-Abbott incarnation. And this comes swiftly after Craig ‘Religion of Peace’ Laundy helpfully points out that critics of Islam are in need of re-education.

  • Jody says:

    Fortunately I’ll be dead and buried before all this B/S hits the fan!!

    • Brian Symons says:

      Regrettably we can now add Mike Baird to the ‘ progressives’ in the Libera Party who see no problem with the’Safe Schools Coalition’. He said so in an interview with Richard Glover on ABC 702 yesterday. The betrayal of a large part of the Liberal constituency continues!

  • Surely we are not surprised that Mike Baird is showing he is a small ‘l’ liberal like Malcolm Turnbull. Remember the bleeding heart of Bruce Baird and the constant irritant he was to John Howard about ‘refugees’. Acknowledge the inevitability of ‘like father like son’and check if one might also say of the sibling on ABC TV ‘like father like daughter’.

    To Keith Kennelly and others who would suggest voting Labor in the Lower House please remember there are other less fraught options. The Christian Democrats are a Lower House option and have proven themselves in NSW where they have long provided a responsible conservative balance of power in the Upper House. They,to their strong credit, are very much aware of the problems associated with Mohammedan immigration. In addition, as is noted often, the Australian Liberty Alliance has Senate candidates in NSW, QLD, & WA.

  • Although I am an atheist I still say thank god that most homosexuals and the majority of the LGBTI brigade are in reality genetic dead ends because they usually don’t breed. That said, it is frightening for the continuation of civilisation that they via their leftist friends in the media have so much influence/say in how our children are educated, or more accurately indoctrinated.
    The nuclear family is the foundation stone of western civilisation [i.e. semi-capitalist] and that is why leftists everywhere are doing their best to weaken/destroy marriage as a social construct and via that, families.

  • jenkins says:

    It’s state sanctioned child abuse. That’s all it is. If this was a research experiment I doubt it would get past an ethics committee.

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