Enough With the Candles and Tears

nice massacreAfter the next-to-last Islamist massacre in France, Premier Mike Baird fittingly ordered that the Opera House be lit in the Tricolour. It was a moving tribute and our family went down to Circular Quay to see it, and I dutifully posted a picture of it on my Facebook page, as we do these days.

To post that picture today would, I think, only mock the 80 Bastille Day dead.

The head of France’s security and intelligence service has warned of waves of such attacks and that the Fifth Republic is itself at risk (what could be the marginal cost in version 6.0?). President Hollande said after the last atrocity that France was at war, and he has now abandoned the White House’s pointlessly nebulous ‘violent non-state actors’ charade – are there any sentient souls left on the planet who  doubt what this is about? — and is calling it a spade.

But other than a few, highly publicised bombing sorties to blow up some sand dunes, there hasn’t been much evidence of that war except for the slaughter of more innocents.

In his essay, “Inside the Whale,” George Orwell referred to Aldous Huxley’s “Dream of Phillip the Second,” in which Huxley wrote that the people in El Greco’s pictures always look as though they were in the bellies of whales:

For the fact is that being inside a whale is a very comfortable, cosy, homelike thought. The historical Jonah, if he can be so called, was glad enough to escape, but in imagination, in day-dream, countless people have envied him. It is, of course, quite obvious why. The whale’s belly is simply a womb big enough for an adult. There you are, in the dark, cushioned space that exactly fits you, with yards of blubber between yourself and reality, able to keep up an attitude of the completest indifference, no matter what happens… Short of being dead, it is the final, unsurpassable stage of irresponsibility.

Either France and the rest of us can continue on as we have, Jonah-like, where every day is Ground Hog Day in Guernica, or Western civilisation can start getting all Sonny Corleone about it and summon the righteous anger necessary to win, not merely endure.

In his essay, “The case for rage and retribution,” penned in in the hours after the Twin Towers fell, Lance Morrow wrote,

“The worst times, as we see, separate the civilised of the world from the uncivilised. This is the moment of clarity. Let the civilised toughen up, and let the uncivilised take their chances in the game they started.” 


So to honour Nice’s dead, I’m turning to something more martial in spirit than candles or flood-lit buildings: Connaissez-vous ces hommes.

23 thoughts on “Enough With the Candles and Tears

  • One instinctively identifies with the anger and frustration of the “civilised” expressed in this timely article. But then one is left more than a little bewildered as to the author’s prescription of exactly what action the “civilised” is to take. Send the French Foreign Legion to the Middle East to destroy ISIS? Alone or as the vanguard of an all-encompassing western military expedition? Allow me to humbly suggest that the evil of Islam needs to be tackled where it festers: In the Muslim ghettos of Paris, of other French cities and cities in other European countries. The authorities must reclaim complete control of those god-forsaken, poisonous nests of inequity, strip them of all autonomous authority and keep the under strict, unrelenting and unforgiving surveillance. Those enclaves are the immediate source of the barbaric atrocities. With those “behind the line” bases denied to ISIS and it’s allies, they would be deprived of the means of clandestinely launching terrorist actions, leaving them with no options other than operating from areas they physically control, i.e. conducting conventional military actions. Then it would be time for the Foreign Legion to go into action.

    • psstevo says:

      As the issue of Islam is a theological one, it is passing strange that not one commentator seems to have realised that the long-term solution has already been written. Namely that Qur’anic theology almost exclusively refuses to acknowledge that our Creator God has already issued solutions in the Bible. Until Islam accepts that the lifestyle promoted by Jesus is the solution then this world will continue to deteriorate into the abyss. Muslim apologists often quote parts originally taken from the Bible, but re-worded to change the meaning in the Qur’an. In the meantime it would seem that some will propose and persue a military solution, but is that the only solution? No.

      • whitelaughter says:

        The current Christian revival in Iraq has been caused by nominal Muslims seeing what Islam truly is thanks to ISIS and others, so yes, this is a good time to emphasise this point. But we know that if left to their own devices, Muslims countries will grind down (or actively massacre) Christian minorities within their borders, so from a secular perspective the important thing is to make it safer for converts to jump ship.

      • Lawrie Ayres says:

        Much as I know Nostradamus can be interpreted in a multitude of ways he has at least one quatrain that infers that the Russian bear and the American eagle will combine to defeat the Muslim anti-Christ. That was explained way back in the early eighties before the current mayhem. He also foresaw a traitor in Rome (the current Pope perhaps) and that the Pope would be expelled by Muslims.

        The bottom line is that ISIS must be defeated militarily but Islam can only be destroyed by Christians and conservatives at that. The left have no stomach for a fight and continue to placate even while being slaughtered as has happened in France and Belgium. Be nice to the barbarian and be beheaded for your trouble.

      • exuberan says:

        Surely the first that must be done is to stop the seemingly unfettered Muslim immigration into Western Society…Through the front door into their enclaves. Oh, East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
        Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment Seat

      • ian.macdougall says:

        Until Islam accepts that the lifestyle promoted by Jesus is the solution then this world will continue to deteriorate into the abyss.

        Jesus Christ is officially one of Islam’s prophets. Short of displacing Mohammad (PBUH) at the top of the pile, Christ can’t get officially much higher in Islam.
        Moses got it right, IMHO, at least allowing for his time and its limitations and conventions. If you are starting a new religion, hit your followers right between the eyes and early on with ten commandments, posted wherever possible in a negative form (‘Thou shalt not…) rather than in the paradoxically weaker positive form (Thou shalt…).
        The encourage as many preachers as possible to preach as many sermons as possible, in which they dwell long and loud on “Thou shalt not kill”.
        Unfortunately Mohammad did not do that. Instead he wrote a warrior’s manual, which duly became Islam’s holy book.

  • Solo says:

    I think the problem has always been how to actually hit these guys. You can drop bombs all day, but there’ll still be some aspiring zealot sitting in the shadows with a rent-a-truck. Some would say bigger bombs, and I agree. I mean, really, what has the middle east given us in the past hundred years aside from oil, war and terrorism? Two of the three involve people, and people are easy enough to remove.

    The situation we have right now is the very definition of impotent anger.

    • whitelaughter says:

      We don’t have to stop them blowing people up, we have to stop them blowing up *us*. We know from history that Muslims will happily slaughter each other, either in open wars or internal purges of the ‘kaffir’: in ‘The River War’ Churchill records the drop in population in the Sudan under the Madhi:90%!

      To stop them blowing up us? Well, remember that they were happy to enslave and force convert Christian children to form the Janissaries and Mamluks: we currently have 50 suitable families who want to adopt for every available child, so just arrange that for every Westerner killed, two orphaned Muslim children will be adopted and brought up in loving families as non-Muslims. A lovely case of returning good for evil, in spades.

  • en passant says:

    To the civilised world the solution is uncivilised and therefore unacceptable. We are now soft people willing to eat meat so long as we never have to witness the slaughter and butchering of an animal.

    Who would be a combat soldier these days when every shot fired, every lightning fast decision and every violent action is subject to a judicial review by armchair warriors such as ‘Brigadier’ Lyn McDade? Remember her? She was lawyer who ruined the lives of two commandos by prosecuting them after an action in Afghanistan in which children were ‘collateral damage’? The children were killed while in a room from which a terrorist was firing at our troops. The Commandos were exonerated, but their case had an effect on them and on the morale of the fellow troops. The five dead and 22 wounded on the Commandos 2012 tour no doubt provided hours of entertainment for the office bound legal reviewers looking for faults. Just ask the combat tested MP, the Honourable Andrew Hastie, about after action reviews.
    Fortunately all of our soldiers killed in Afghanistan were GUYS and none were gals.

    It took the British 31 years and hundreds of thousands of soldiers over that period to convince the IRA they were not going to win. All cases in which the IRA terrorists were captured had to go through a crippling judicial system. The IRA had only a couple of hundred active terrorists willing to do the actual killing, yet legalism meant they managed to continue for decades. IS and radical Islam have thousands of murders in Europe already just waiting their opportunity – and we probably have 100+ in Oz. Is it not heart-wrenching to hear and see the appeals in the media that we should repatriate the devil’s spawn of dead disability pensioners who chose to go to Syria and behead prisoners for the Caliphate. Strip them of their citizenship and refuse them re-entry to Oz. They may turn out to be model citizens, but we have plenty of those already, so why take the risk? We seem to be doing a more reasonable job in this regard with rejecting bikies than caliphate criminals.

    Our civilisational survival means removing every ‘refugee’ convicted of any crime – including illegally parking their hijacked cars at double white lines. Zero tolerance and no compassion, no matter their tender age. The last one I saw in Melbourne was a 15-year old Sudanese brought before the court for FIVE violent crimes. He was given a stiff talking to and a warning by the magistrate who made allowances for the fact that he was a barbarian from a barbarous country. I guess the magistrate needs to experience a whack from a hammer to help him empathise with the victims. Send the child back where he belongs – and if he is killed within days or weeks, we should shed no tears.

    Enforce the laws we have!

    Bigamy? Out you go to a country where your behaviour is legal – and take your children with you.
    Create work schemes for the real-job unemployable Centrelink Clientele far from cities on six-month contract (check out the construction of the Great Ocean Road). I would suggest a hand dug canal from Lake Eyre to Kalgoorlie would fit the bill. So you can’t work as it is interferes with your religion? Out you go!
    Preaching hate in your Friday Sermon? Out you go!
    Cannot accept Oz secular ‘education’ (such as it is these days) and the concept of democracy and mixing of the sexes. You don’t fit in so out you go!
    You want Sharia for Oz? Out you go.
    Cannot swear allegiance to Oz and renounce all others? No citizenship, no Centrelink and no government support until you choose to go.
    Family reunions of parents, pensioners, extended family – cancelled. Go home and visit them if you must.

    And we have not yet had to shoot or kill anyone – yet.

    We can and should choose the migrants we accept and let in.
    Civilised (there are many variations of what civilised is)? – Tick.
    Educated (and can speak some English BEFORE arrival)? – Tick.
    Willing to become an Australian? – Tick.
    Willing to integrate (and have your children integrate and marry outside your ethnic or religious tribe)? – Tick.(add your own)

  • Salome says:

    I’m no fan of the French Revolution, but I rather like La Marseillaise. Nevertheless, I wish that for once the French would respond to an attack on them not by singing La Marseillaise, but by doing it.

  • Jody says:

    As long as there is no political will in the western world, and as long as the social discourse is dominated by the left and promulgated through schools and the education system generally there will always been martyrs. And those martyrs will be our fellow westerners who must be sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. Sooner or later, of course, the nationalistic Right will just push them all aside and then we’ll have REAL trouble. And only then will the Left have to accept its role and responsibility for an abdication of common sense and a comprehensive unwillingness to call out the religion whose name it dares not speak. Fortunately, I’ll be dead and buried by then.

  • iain says:

    The solution is a hard one – you need to ban or restrict the practice of islam – the japanese do and they don’t have islamic terrorists.

  • en passant says:

    Have you noticed the world condemnation of the Japanese for their bigotry? Neither have I.

    Angola has banned all mosques. Have you noticed the world condemnation of the Japanese for their bigotry? Neither have I.

    Have you noticed the world condemnation of the Swiss for their bigotry in applying their national laws? Neither have I.

  • en passant says:

    Have you noticed the world condemnation of the Japanese for their bigotry? Neither have I.

    Angola has banned all mosques. Have you noticed the world condemnation of the Angolans for their bigotry? Neither have I.

    Have you noticed the world condemnation of the Swiss for their bigotry in applying their national laws? Neither have I.

    Have you noticed the world condemnation of the Pakistanis for oppressing and killing Christians? Neither have I.

    Have you noticed the world condemnation of the men of ‘middle eastern appearance’ for raping women in Germany? Neither have I.

    Have you noticed the Green condemnation of Australia for our bigotry in trying to protect Australians from the barbarian invasion? Yes, I have.

  • Patrick McCauley says:

    …and what is ‘world condemnation’? … the United Nations condemnation ? … well… so what … they (the UN) are not ‘the world’ (They are more like ‘The Progressives’)… and would the condemnation come from European countries ? .. probably ( but not from England and Wales ?) … USA … maybe not after the next election … So perhaps only the muslim countries would condemn – half the world might condemn … and the other half might remain silent ? … ‘The World’ … where is it ? What is ‘The World’? … who elected them? who speaks for them ? … nobody … ‘The World’ is nobody. … ‘The World’ will not come to save us if we are overrun with Muslim terrorism.

    We should prepare another questionnaire for all people who wish to become citizens of Australia. There are so many questions that a follower of Islam would fail that its not worth listing them… even if the world condemns us .. we should place a moratorium on Islamic Immigration whilst we work on the questions. Australian democracy, like a good car, needs maintenance … the rust must be cut out.

  • en passant says:

    Like you, I have no idea who the ‘World’ is, but the Greens, the political elites and the Progressive Regressives constantly remind ordinary Australians that the World condemns us for not taking in our ‘fair share’ of barbarians, for not pulling our weight in the number of our dead by islamic attacks on our citizens, for being ‘polluters’ and rich (but without our fair share of crippling debt {don’t worry, that is one target we can achieve!}).

    Years ago wrote that we should join a Coalition of Civilised Pariah States. In those days its founders would have been Taiwan, South Africa, Rhodesia (before it moved to the bottom of the barbarian socialist ladder and the end of the alphabet as Zimbabwe), Israel, Argentina and Chile. The one thing they had in common then was that they were vibrant and successful against the odds.

    • ian.macdougall says:

      Apropos of that, this morning I posted the following at New Matilda where I also have a subscription:

      Contemplating the truck carnage in Nice, where according to the report below a young Muslim fanatic deliberately targeted CHILDREN, I cannot but wonder how people can be led to believe that there is any net good to be found in Islam at all.
      If Islam can induce even just one believer to do something like this, let alone gangs of rampaging fanatics, then despite all its fine words, it can only boil down to an essence of pure, undiluted evil.

      I checked back in this afternoon, to find that it had been taken down. So I reposted it as follows:

      Contemplating the truck carnage in Nice, where according to the report below a young Muslim fanatic deliberately targeted CHILDREN, I cannot but wonder how people can be led to believe that there is any net good to be found in Islam at all.
      If Islam can induce even just one believer to do something like this, let alone gangs of rampaging fanatics, then despite all its fine words, it can only boil down to an essence of pure, undiluted evil.

      That has also been taken down. (Insert comment on that here:………………………)
      Not one to give up easily, I’ll have another go shortly. (Score to date: NM nil; Quad Online: 2.)


      • ian.macdougall says:

        That reposting lasted about 5 minutes at New Matilda before itself being taken down. Those NM defenders have missed their vocation. They should be playing soccer in the World Cup.
        (Insert comment on that here: THEY’VE GOT TO BE F__LING THEMSELVES, HAVEN’T THEY?)

    • ian.macdougall says:

      See also Nick Cohen:

      …Then there was her hypocrisy. Latif kept saying that her production was not agitprop, that it wanted to show complexity and nuance rather than follow a party line. Then she came out with this: “If the acceptable parameters of that discussion are to remain inarticulate mad mullahs in one corner and self-hating Ayaan Hirsi Alis in another, all mediated by think-tank dwellers like Maajid Nawaz, the conversation will go nowhere.”


  • en passant says:

    Since 1st January until today Islam has peacefully sent to heaven or hell 11,664 people and given another 14,087 injured and chance to convert in 1,268 Islamic attacks in 50 countries.


    I wonder what a real war would look like?

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