The Domestic Violence Industry

DVIn Quadrant‘s August, 2016, edition the WA Law Reform Commission’s Dr Augusto Zimmerman addressed the latest and fashionable portraiture depicting the ugly face of domestic violence. If you go by the taxpayer-funded TV ads denouncing it (above), only white men and boys are guilty. Follow this link if you need a reminder.

Zimmerman wrote

…the feminist lobby exerts constant pressure to present domestic violence solely as a “male problem”, to place all the blame for domestic violence on men as a group. As a result, and based on a radical feminist theory that addresses domestic violence primarily as a male issue that is predicated on so-called “patriarchy”, male victims are frequently met with disbelief, even suspicion, when they seek protection from a violent female partner.

Earlier this week, talking with Miranda Devine on 2GB, Zimmerman expanded on his Quadrant essay. Follow the link below to hear the interview in full.

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