That was quick

quick smart

On Thursday, after much talk and without any protections to safeguard religious freedoms, same-sex marriage became legal.

Today, like a shot from a gun, The Conversation is on the case, with UTS academic Melissa Kang keen to see the mechanics of gay love given the classroom attention she believes it deserves:

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation defines “comprehensive sexuality education” as being age-appropriate, culturally relevant, scientifically accurate and non-judgemental and acknowledges diversity. This means it includes information about, and resources relevant to, sexuality and gender diverse students.

Comprehensive sexuality education also addresses values, relationships, consent and pleasure

We all have our opinions on various matters. Few, however, are positioned so handily to promote them as Ms Kang, whose UTS biography lists the many bodies on which she serves to advance the education of youth.

  • President of the Australian Association for Adolecent (sic) Health
  • a member of the Diversity Subcommittee of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (USA)
  • Royal Australian College of General Practitioners representative on the NSW Health HIV and STI Implementation Committee
  • a member of the NSW Youth Health Policy Reference Group
  • a member of the Sexual Health Medicine Network, RACGP Faculty of Specific Interests
  • a member of the Children and Young People Network, RACGP Faculty of Specific Interests
  • a member of the International Association for Adolescent Health
  • a member of the Public Health Association of Australia

Worth noting is Ms Kang’s citing of Canada as a model for Australia’s next advance in the field of “LGBTQi+-inclusive sexuality education”.

Mr Steve Tourloukis, a Canadian parent, wouldn’t describe that as a step forward for tolerance  — not for Christians and other believers, in any case. Follow the link below for his first-hand account of what happened when he attempted to withdrawn his primary schoolers from gay-friendly sex-ed classes.

Or give it a miss for the moment, sit back and wait. Soon enough we’ll see the same issues in Australia’s courtrooms and classrooms.

— roger franklin

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