Gay Discrimination and Religious Schools

gay studentsControversy over whether religious liberty should be protected has dominated the news cycle since parts of the Ruddock report were leaked. The most controversial issue has been how religious schools are permitted under anti-discrimination legislation to adversely treat employees and students on grounds such as their sexuality, gender identity and religion.

There is understandable concern in the community about the welfare of adults and children at religious schools, especially regarding students who are same-sex attracted or experiencing gender dysphoria. The risk of harm to students is particularly significant considering the intensely social nature of schools, the parental role in school selection (even against a student’s wishes), and the long-term involvement of students who may be at the same school for over 40 hours a week during the formative years of their lives.

Considering these concerns there is clear community support for ensuring that religious schools are appropriately regulated under anti-discrimination legislation. Importantly, this view is also held by many of those responsible for religious schools and universities. Archbishop Coleridge, the President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, for example, has declared that Catholic officials have ‘not sought concessions to discriminate against students or teachers based on their sexuality, gender identity or relationship status’. Similarly, Greg Craven, the vice-chancellor of the Australian Catholic University, rejected the ‘vile suggestion that faith-based schools are demanding the right to expel gay or transgender students’, stating how ‘No one supports it. Australian Christians as a bloc would oppose it, precisely as a matter of faith’.

Although there is strong support for laws ensuring that religious schools respect all employees and students the issue is more complex than may be immediately apparent. The claim that the current laws violate equality and permit discrimination needs to be balanced with the understanding that the right to equality under international human rights law also protects religion and any law that inappropriately regulates religious schools may therefore violate, rather than uphold, the right to equality.

Inappropriate regulations may also be criticised on other grounds, including failing to respect religious liberty, undermining parental rights, weakening multiculturalism and preventing children from being raised in an educational environment respectful of their religious and cultural heritage. This is not to claim that appropriate protections should not be provided to employees and students of religious schools. They clearly should. It is simply to recognise that the issue contains complexities and Parliament should not rush to implement a legislative response without careful consideration of the relevant issues. If Parliament does decide to make it unlawful for religious schools to exclude employees and students, or to impose a detriment because of sexuality, transgender status and other grounds, there will be many issues that will need to be addressed:

  • Will religious schools be restricted in how they teach their understanding of sexual ethics, gender identity and marriage?
  • Should sex specific dress codes for students be allowed?
  • What steps, if any, should a religious school be able to take against employees or students who openly criticise teachings of the religion on issues involving gender and sexuality?
  • Should the law allow the denial of funding and other government and community support to religious schools that do not hold “appropriate” views on these issues?

In determining what changes should be made it is essential that the assessment of any proposed changes is evidence-based. Few would claim that the environment at either government or non-government schools in previous generations appropriately supported members of the LGBT community. The situation today, though, is significantly different and any claim that religious schools are failing to appropriately care for all of their students and staff members should be supported by clear evidence.

It may well be that any studies undertaken reveal many religious schools, including conservative Christian schools, are providing a caring and supportive environment for their students. Support for such a view is provided by the study Not So Straight by Fr Peter Norden that explores how Catholic schools can best care for same-sex attracted students. The assessment of what additional legal regulations are needed must also include the substantial legal and non-legal protections that already exist for employees and students at religious schools. The Education Act 1990 (NSW), for example, holds that the requirements for the registration of a non-government school include that ‘a safe and supportive environment is provided for students’. Additional support is provided by vilification laws that typically protect attributes such as homosexuality, gender identity and religion. There are many other laws that can provide further protection including negligence, defamation and the intentional infliction of physical or psychiatric harm.

Further protection is provided by the many advocacy groups that support students and employees when they encounter difficulties with their school. The media plays a very influential role in regulating religious schools, with any adverse decision made by religious schools against staff members or students often receiving national coverage. Social media is also a powerful force in ensuring religious schools operate respectfully, as any unjustly treated employee or student can easily bring their situation to the attention of the community.

Ensuring that religious schools are appropriately regulated under anti-discrimination legislation so that employees and students are protected is an important and complex topic that needs to be carefully addressed to ensure that the correct measures are adopted. Considering the seriousness of the issue, the current commitment of many politicians to immediately legislate on the topic for political gain should be condemned.

Dr Greg Walsh is a Senior Lecturer at The University of Notre Dame Australia lecturing in a range of units including human rights law and is the author of the book ‘Religious Schools and Discrimination Law’. Commentary on the article is welcome and can be sent to [email protected]

6 thoughts on “Gay Discrimination and Religious Schools

  • Rob Brighton says:

    I quote like tying government funding to gay and lesbian rights in this regard.

    It may well act to limit the financial support we give the madrassa’s which cannot be a bad thing.

  • ChrisPer says:

    We don’t call it ‘policy-based evidence making’ for nothing, Greg.

  • Jody says:

    I see the muslims want a special Bill of Rights for their schools. (Puts finger to side of head) I wonder why this could be?

  • lloveday says:

    My daughter reckons there was strong “Gay Discrimination” at her girls-only Catholic High School, much resented by her and “everyone”.
    The “Head Girl”, appointed by staff, was not strong academically or good at sports, nor popular, but “appointed only because she was a lesbian” grumbled daughter. It was not the envy of a sore loser as daughter was ineligible, being in year 11. I made no comment as I did not know said girl.

  • en passant says:

    This infinite focus on something called ‘discrimination’ is a hopeless task. Pick absolutely anything and I will shout at you “That’s discrimination!”
    You like the colour Black? ‘That’s discrimination against all other colours and transparency!’
    You like opera in preference to rap ‘music’ ‘That’s discrimination AND elitist against moronic, tonelessness!
    You like sunny days ‘That’s discrimination against the need for rain!’

    I will take the fight against ‘discrimination’ feebly more seriously when muslim schools are required to take x% of gays and christian children – and protect and support them. And pigs will fly … But then flying pigs? ‘That’s discrimination!’

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