A bookshop to avoid

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Own a business and you should be entitled to conduct it as you see fit, even if you are a publisher and the decision is to forego distributing an assured best-seller. Not that there is anything unusual about that — Good Heavens, not at all! — swears US publisher Simon & Schuster’s local office by way of shrugging off the suspicion that its refusal to stock Milo Yiannopoulos’ upcoming book has anything to do with its contents. That’s how you become a giant of international publishing, by not touching a book that became an Amazon.com #1 on the strength of pre-orders alone.

Mosman bookseller Jon Page is more candid:

“While I am a passionate believer in free speech and would never ban a book, views such as Milo Yiannopoulos’ should not be allowed to take root in our society.

“Customers are welcome to special order his book in but we will not be stocking the book or helping to promote the book in anyway.”

Mr Page also operates online bookseller Boomerang Books, where he will happily sell you another book by a writer whose views are good deal more extreme than those of a gay libertarian and caustically passionate advocate of free speech.

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Quadrant readers, including those who reside on the North Shore, tend to be bookish sorts. Given Mr Page’s decision not to carry a title of which he personally disapproves, the link below might prove useful for those seeking alternate booksellers in their area.

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