If only Dr Blake were gay

craig mclachlanLooking the part isn’t enough.

At the ABC there are accusations — and then there are accusations that prompt an entirely different reaction. Consider the national broadcaster’s statement when heterosexual actor Craig McLachlan was accused of Hunnish conduct by a female cast member of The Rocky Horror Show, a production with which the ABC has no connection whatsoever:

Following allegations against Doctor Blake Mysteries principal cast member Craig McLachlan and a related police investigation, the ABC has made the decision to withdraw the iview series five of the program and the telemovie-length final episode, both broadcast in 2017.

A repeat broadcast of the Doctor Blake telemovie scheduled for 25 January has also been withdrawn.

Very stern stuff indeed,  and just a few short months ago too.

Now consider how the ABC has reacted to allegations against Tonightly‘s out-and-proud gay host Tom Ballard, who is accused of having been amorously over-insistent in a hotel room with a passing object of his affections:

The ABC is aware of a claim made on social media against Tom Ballard. Tom has denied this claim in the strongest terms possible.

The ABC takes any allegation of harassment very seriously and does not condone or tolerate any inappropriate behaviour. All ABC employees are made aware of and must abide by our discrimination, bullying and harassment policy at all times.

We have no further comment to make at this stage.

Like the banished McLachlan, the still-before-the-cameras Ballard denies the accusation.

While consistency might not be an ABC virtue, spotting a surplus of white people while lambasting those not of the Left seems a precoccupation, as today’s Australian reports at this link or the one below. For those without subscriptions, the illustration below– lifted from an internal ABC memo — captures that attitude rather neatly. Click on the image to make it legible.

abc tonightly

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