Gabble and tweet


Going by the stream of tweets emerging from the International Political Science Association conference in Brisbane, life hasn’t been easy for those keen to immerse themselves in topics such as “Penile Populism: The Role of Hypermasculinity in Philippine Foreign Policy“. There is the curse of applause, for starters, which some participants find unsettling, hence the plea (above)  to eschew clapping in favour of waving laudatory “jazz hands”. And, perhaps inevitably, there is the plague that has beset society for millenia: men and their annoying, infuriating, arrogant ways.

Fortunately those XY-related deficiencies of character don’t afflict all men, and certainly not Sydney University’s Professor of Public Policy Allan McConnell, who assured fellow conventioneers that, speaking personally, he understands blokes can be a real bother:

ipsa speaking as a man

For the further tweeted thoughts of Gaia only knows how many ARC grant recipients, follow this link or the one below.


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