Insights from Quadrant

Hamas’ Hobart chorus

It’s probably not a word the Tasmanian Palestinian Advocacy Network would favour, but the Yiddish term chutzpah comes immediately to mind when digesting the poor-me whining about the reaction to the naked hatred unleashed in a Hobart theatre by their fellow Jew haters. The Nine comics report:

Singer Deborah Conway and her musician husband Willy Zygier (above) have decried the actions of protesters at a Hobart concert as “extreme intolerance” after their show was repeatedly interrupted and a woman broke a wine glass and threatened another woman with its shattered stem on Saturday night.

The altercation came as pro-Palestinian protesters interrupted a concert by the wife-and-husband performers, and audience members responded with abuse and heckling of their own.

According to the Tasmanian Palestinian Advocacy Network, three protesters – described by TPAN as an “autonomous group of absolute legends” – were removed by security staff from the venue.

You can see the “absolute legends” in action in this Facebook clip, and do note how the brave friends of Hamas obscure their fellow anti-Semites’ faces. It’s one thing to disrupt a concert, scream abuse and repeatedly marr the evening for everyone else, but quite another to put one’s name to such a disgrace.

In the clip, a grotesquely fat woman is seen being bundled out of the auditorium and, at another point, a second woman — face also obscured — approaches the stage’s apron but is forced to retreat by a concertgoer defending the performer with the stem of a broken wine glass. This prompted the Hamas groupies to snivel:

….we demand to know why this women was not immediately reported to the police?? And why it was the protester, rather than the person wielding a literal weapon, who was violently dragged out of the theatre by security??

Talk about cheek! People pay to be entertained, have their night out ruined by racist leftoids being racist leftoids, and the real villain is the defender who places herself between the shrieking disruptor and the performer who is the thug’s target.

Australia in 2024, where bullies insist they’re victims, a Jew can’t go about her business without being excoriated for being a Jew and the police do nothing as politicians mouth multi-culti platitudes and look the other way.

All in all, what happened in Hobart lends a chilling edge to Ms Conway’s best known number, ‘It’s only the beginning‘.

— roger franklin

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