Doomed Planet

The Settled Science of Abetting Public Nuisances

Climate doom-mongers like the Climate Council’s Professor Will Steffen have got a lot to answer for. Many science-challenged innocents believe this apocalyptic nonsense, putting their liberty and even lives at risk gluing themselves to highways, bridges and coal port reclaimer/stackers, not to mention Picassos and van Goghs. What a sad business.

Case in point: Violet Coco, 32, who’s just spent ten days in Silverwater Women’s Prison for shutting down a peak-hour lane of the Harbour Bridge last April. A stern Sydney magistrate on December 2 gave her 15 months jail and no parole for eight months – and no bail either. A District Court appeal over bail got her released on December 13 pending her sentencing appeal next March. Violet’s manifesto included (my emphasis):

In 2021, I spoke with esteemed climate scientist and academic professor Will Steffen, who told me: “Massive floods, fires and heatwaves are sending us a clear message.[1] On our present trajectory, we risk heading into a collapse of our globalised civilisation and a precipitous drop in human population — put simply, hell on earth. But we can avoid this disastrous future if we change the way we think, live our lives and interact with the rest of the living world.”

Steffen, in the course of similar doom-crying in a recent co-authored Nature paper, came a gutser, necessitating quite an epochal correction.[2] Not to mention another (uncorrected) mis-statement in the paper: “Ocean heatwaves have led to mass coral bleaching and to the loss of half of the shallow-water corals on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.” A miracle! The dead coral has risen and coral cover is now at record extent. In that paper Steffen is pretty restrained, compared with another in which he glumly predicted:

“The ultimate drivers of the Anthropocene if they continue unabated through this century, may well threaten the viability of contemporary civilization and perhaps even the future existence of Homo sapiens.”[3]

Steffen for decades has been leading Australia’s troupe of climate-model believers in that impending “hell on earth” stuff, and setting the tone for government action on climate and carbon taxes as well as (in my opinion) a perverse court judgement against the Whitehaven coal  expansion.[4] The urgings by activist scientists have now culminated in Prime Minister Albanese’s legally-enshrined, ruinously costly and pointless net zero fantasy for 2050.[5]

Meanwhile Prof  Steffen, Tim “Wonthaggi” Flannery’s Climate Council, the Academy of Science (now more authoritarian than an authority), the activist-infested IPCC, and multitudes of academic soothsayers ignore the real-life evidence. The UAH satellite data show that Australia has had no warming for 10 years and five months and that the globe has not warmed for eight years and one month. The warming trend since the satellites started in January 1979 is a mere 0.13degC per decade, or a harmless – indeed so far beneficial – 1.3degC per century.[6] [7]

The climate models on which the futuristic scare is based run hot compared with past decades’ observed temperatures – the IPCC’s 2013 Report admitted in a perplexed way that 111 of 114 runs of their best models exaggerate warming.[8] The latest check last October by UAH’s Dr Roy Spencer found that 36 standard models have on average forecast nearly double the actual fifty-year US summer temperature trend recorded by NOAA.

The doom-criers ignore the advice from the great physicist Richard Feynman that their first duty as scientists is to challenge their own pet ideas, e.g. by acknowledging and accounting for the satellite temperature read-outs and over-heated models.[9]

Of course, the glue-babies of Extinction Rebellion and its offshoots continue to imagine the activist academics represent “the science”. I started this piece with intent to satirise but I’ve found the protestors instead to be pitiable. How cruel are those science-wallahs who’ve inspired them to such fanatical self-sacrifice? So here’s a couple of protestor pen-portraits: Bonnie Cassen and Violet Coco.

All about Bonnie.

From Gerringong NSW, Bonnie’s among the global set now attacking famous artworks to “raise climate awareness”. She’s a mother of three, an “earth warrior” and Greens backer, a community newspaper editor, a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, a hater of capitalism and sadly, undergoing chemotherapy for advanced breast cancer. She intends to spend her remaining days “living with incurable cancer fighting to protect the planet”, she says.

 She gets her inspirations from “listening to the experts”. Nice job, “experts”. Bonnie and a female pal, as members of Stop Fossil Fuel Subsidies or #StopFFS, glued themselves to Andy Warhol’s Campbell Soup artwork in Canberra’s National Gallery. It was November 8, during the COP 27 gabfest at Sharm el Sheikh. Someone added graffiti with blue ink. The attacks were all on the glass shield not the art itself. Bonnie explained,

 Andy Warhol depicted consumerism gone mad in this iconic series. And now we have capitalism gone mad. Families are having to choose between medicine and food for their children while fossil fuel companies return record profits… We must act urgently to avoid the worst effects of climate breakdown and large-scale extinctions. Is art really more important than human life?

She complained,

Security grabbed my lymphedema arm very forcefully, and ripped my glued hand off the painting. I reminded them that I have cancer and undergoing chemotherapy so am very fragile but that did not stop their behaviours. They justified their behaviours saying it’s ‘in the Act’.

They pushed me out of the building and forced me to leave the area. I acknowledge what I have done and I am willing to risk the legal consequences.

That same day Plod arrested her at Braddon’s Sweet Bones vegan café. Her postings continued so I assume she stayed at liberty.

Bonnie’s #StopFFS is part of the A22 Network which targets artworks in what it calls “a mad dash to try and save humanity”. A22 is part-funded, ironically, by the Climate Emergency Fund which is funded by the heirs to Getty/Rockefeller oil fortunes, now virtue-signalling with $US30m-plus handouts to green-left protestor groups. The New York Times reported this (paywalled) last August 10.[10]

Bonnie’s stunt followed another in Canberra by #StopFFS involving Julie Marsh – described as a mother and WA farmer and  volunteer firefighter. She glued herself to a painting at the Suffragette’s Exhibition in Federal Parliament, saying, “Just as the suffragettes were hated at the time, we do not expect everyone to like our tactics.” She’s right about that.

All about Violet Coco

A few years back, Violet Coco of Lismore was operating a small events management business, studying management and philosophy at university, running a community theatre group and helping her sister raise a child. Like Bonnie, she’s vegan-inclined, posting two months ago about the evils of cow’s milk: “Only the patriarchy would invent repeatedly raping a woman, killing her baby, so he can drink their milk.”

She turned climate activist after the 2019 bushfire haze blanketed Sydney – overlooking the science findings that, globally, wildfires have actually subsided.[11] (Glue-babies like to cite former fire-chief Greg Mullins of the Climate Council spruiking the bogus nexus that bushfires = climate).

Violet’s media stardom began on August 10 last year. The timing was a day or two after the IPCC’s report, which the UN’s socialist Secretary-General Antonio Guterres described in Gillard-like hyberbole as “Code Red for Humanity”.

Wearing her Extinction Rebellion hat (since discarded for more fashionable models such as Fireproof Australia), Violet and seven early-morning colleagues took a pram to federal parliament’s entry. She turned the pram into a bonfire supposedly symbolising how the Morrison government was damning all future generations, then she glued herself to the pavement.[12] In her view, Morrison’s team “ has been captured by the fossil fuel industry and the Murdoch empire.”

Violet (below) told reporters filming the made-for-TV melodrama, “We have to save our kids… I want to be a mum, but I can’t be because the government is refusing to act on the climate.”

She had little fear of the courts, which she said were “very sympathetic” and agreed that the government was “failing in its [climate] duty”. The courts were recognising how the protestors were on the right side of history. Hence the no-convictions, minimal fines of $100-200 for “premeditated crimes” and absence of bail conditions, she said.

She wasn’t wrong, although she spent 16 days in lockup in lieu of bail. She then got a six-month good-behaviour bond, if breached incurring $400 fines. Four of her protest colleagues got a $20 fine each (there goes a round of cappuccinos) and three got let off. It had been Violet’s fourth arrest that fortnight and somewhere round 20th arrest to August 2021. Alarmist scientists have convinced her that without zero emissions, “billions of people will die, and the habitability of our planet is at stake.” Her rebellion, forestalling Steffen’s “hell on earth”, would echo the suffragettes, Gandhi and the US Civil Rights Movement, she said.
She backs the idea of Extinction Rebellion founder Roger Hallam, who said that a small fraction of people, e.g. 3.5 per cent, can create social tipping points if they are radical and self-sacrificial enough. (Hallam’s author credits include, “Escape from the Neoliberal Higher Education Prison: A Proposal for a New Digital Communist University.)”

Violet told Crikey!, “This climate and ecological crisis will soon drive extinction events, food shortages, sea level rise and extreme weather, threatening every aspect of life as we understand it.” She told the sympathetic Sydney Criminal Lawyers blog ,

On a personal note, the reason I am able to donate so much time to this is because at 30-years old, I am at a time in my life when I am supposed to be having kids.

That would be what I am dedicating my life to, but I feel too afraid to have children. I don’t think it’s the right thing to do: to bring kids into this world with the current trajectory of hell on earth.

So, I’m putting all the energy that I would be putting into my own children into protecting the children that are already here.

Her pram-fuelled celebrity was nothing compared with the media love-in when she was arrested for blocking a southbound lane of the Harbour Bridge with her delivery truck on April 13. She climbed onto the cab-top and live-streamed herself lighting a distress flare, while two pals glued themselves to the road. Morning peak-hour traffic banked up for 25 minutes, including a gridlocked ambulance with blue and red lights flashing.[13]

After 84 days of home detention, she pleaded guilty to a fistful of charges on December 2, the fruit of tough new legislation passed by the NSW Coalition government and Opposition on April 1. The Magistrate, Allison Hawkins, proved an exception to Violet’s previous sympathisers on the bench. Hawkins spoke of Violet’s “childish stunts” and “selfish, emotional actions” disrupting the citizenry: “You are not a political prisoner, you are a criminal.” Warming up, the doughty Magistrate said there was a  need for a “significant element of deterrence” and slapped Violet with that 15 months’ term, and eight months non-parole.

Showing unusual guts for a Liberal, Premier Perrottet described Violet’s sentence as “pleasing to see”. Violet’s uncle, Alister Henskens, is Perrottet’s Science Minister and he also welcomed Violet’s sentence, proving that blood is thinner than water.

Violet’s co-accused, Jay Larbalastier, dubbed a philosophy student, escaped a jail sentence and then complained about “the judicial system working exactly as intended, protecting the rights of extractive industries in order to make obscene profits.”

After Magistrate Hawkins denied bail, Violet spent the next ten days in a 4mx2m concrete cell at Silverwater Women’s. No visitors, seven days in isolation and no exercise almost round-the-clock because the guards happened to be on strike. (Hat tip to Wendy Bacon for the detail). Violet told The Guardian,I could see the birds outside through the grate in my window and that kept my spirits up.” For good measure she claimed to Crikey!: “It’s stressful, resource-intensive, scary and the police are violent. They refuse to feed me, refused to give me toilet paper and have threatened me with sexual violence.”

Her Facebook fans applauded her as precious, loved and worthy, and one insisted that fossil fuel companies were “actively trying to murder millions of people”. An unkind commenter told her, “Excellent. Maybe you can glue your hand to the cell floor.”

Hundreds of green-black-left groups, like ACF, Oxfam, Socialist Alliance, First Nations’ and whatevers, Sydney City Council, Knitting Nanas (XR), Free Julian Assange and civil liberties councils backed Violet and company, describing them as “peaceful protesters”. An unelected and unaccountable UN official was of course roped in to condemn the inhumanity. They all argue that you or I have a right to jam traffic and sabotage exports to make any (leftist) point we feel strongly about.[14]

At her bail appeal on December 12, Judge Timothy Gartelman released her pending a sentencing appeal on March 3.

Police charge sheets involving follow-on protestors at an unauthorised Sydney CBD march on June 27 suggest “peaceful” is the wrong word for some protestors. Police mention “abhorrent” behaviour including launching projectiles such as garbage bins and traffic signs, causing “significant disruption to peak hour traffic”. One protestor is alleged to have run at a police officer and thrown two empty milk crates. The man complained, “We’re good people and this is what you do to us. This is messed up – all we’ve done is listen to the scientists.” Great job, “scientists”.

Bonnie and Violet, you’ll one day maybe discover that climate models’ forecasts for 2100 are not worth a cracker . Meanwhile a pox on your mentors.

Tony Thomas’s latest book from Connor Court is now available: Anthem of the Unwoke – Yep! The other lot’s gone bonkers. For a copy ($35 including postage), email [email protected].


[1] Globally, floods fires and heatwaves show no deteriorating trend, while casualties from such disasters have fallen 99% in the past century.

[2] Correction 09 April 2020: The figure ‘Too close for comfort’ in this Comment incorrectly synthesized and interpreted data from the IPCC. The graph labelled the temperatures as absolute, rather than rises; misrepresented the levels of risk; misinterpreted data as coming from a 2007 IPCC report; extrapolated the focus of a 2018 report; and was not clear about the specific sources of the data. The graphic has been extensively modified online to correct these errors.

[3] Will Steffen, et al., “The Anthropocene: Conceptual and Historical Perspectives,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 369, no. 1938 (2011): p862.

[4] Bromberg J. found about CO2 emissions:

“It is difficult to characterise in a single phrase the devastation that the plausible evidence presented in this proceeding forecasts for the Children. As Australian adults know their country, Australia will be lost and the World as we know it gone as well. The physical environment will be harsher, far more extreme and devastatingly brutal when angry. As for the human experience – quality of life, opportunities to partake in nature’s treasures, the capacity to grow and prosper – all will be greatly diminished. Lives will be cut short. Trauma will be far more common and good health harder to hold and maintain. None of this will be the fault of nature itself. It will largely be inflicted by the inaction of this generation of adults, in what might fairly be described as the greatest inter-generational injustice ever inflicted by one generation of humans upon the next.”

[5] China’s burgeoning coal emissions swamp everything that Australia might do.

[6] Moreover, a new study published in the Journal of Climate suggests the effect of carbon dioxide this century might be small when compared to natural climate variability. The researchers contend that recent temperature trends might indicate that there is no significant increase in global temperature due to greenhouse gas emissions. The author team is from Oxford University and US National Center for Atmospheric Research.

[7] And global wheat yields have tripled in the past 60 years.

[8] Chapter 9, text box 9.2, page 769.

[9] Guterres claims  (don’t laugh) that “we are on the highway to climate hell with our foot still on the accelerator.”

[10] “Aileen Getty, whose grandfather created Getty Oil, helped found the Climate Emergency Fund and has given it $1 million so far. The Equation Campaign started in 2020 with a $30 million pledge, to be distributed over 10 years, from two members of the Rockefeller family, Rebecca Rockefeller Lambert and Peter Gill Case. John D. Rockefeller founded Standard Oil in 1870 and became the country’s first billionaire.” The #StopFFS figure of $11.6b a year annual all-governmental subsidies to fossil fuels is nonsense attributable to the leftist Australia Institute. The Institute for example treats the federal fuel tax credit scheme ($8b last year) as a “subsidy”.

[11] Also see here, indicating the complexity of the issue.

[12] XR activists also sprayed red-paint messages on the building itself and on walls of The Lodge.

[13] #StopFFS ‘Blue Lights’ policy: our policy is, and has always been to move out of the way for ambulances and fire trucks with ‘blue lights’ on.

[14] Amnesty International Australia said, “The right to protest is a human right. No-one should be imprisoned for exercising this right, and Violet’s sentencing represents a concerning escalation in NSW’s crackdown on people’s right to protest, and that of others to address human rights abuses including climate inaction.”

28 thoughts on “The Settled Science of Abetting Public Nuisances

  • brandee says:

    Tony Thomas your scholarship and wit are amazing and so readable.
    Indeed, multiple parties are ‘Abetting Public Nuisances, ‘apart from the ‘settled science’ and Labor and Green, there are the weak conservatives or “limp Libs”. Jim Ball described them in Oz letters 20/12:
    “The problem with the Liberal Party is that they’re unimaginative, undynamic plodders. They’re more political speed humps than political party. They just slow down the left but never reverse course or come up with their own ideas”. Did anyone say Simon Birmingham?

  • Botswana O'Hooligan says:

    The perambulator depicted burning outside that den of lunatics isn’t doing the environment a hell of a lot of good and the look of anguish on that young womans face suggests that she may possibly need counselling by someone gifted in that line of work. One might opine that the old “end is nigh” sandwich board folk are gnashing their teeth at these upstarts, so to the flat Earth people who have denied me membership thrice, and what about the joker in the Territory who can see the aliens all around if one practices a certain set of eye exercises exactly at dusk each evening. They are all out there Mr. Thomas and provide endless mirth to we more logical people and the great pity of it all is that most of us won’t be around in 2050 to witness the nett zero of mr. albenese. One supposes that mr. albenese will also have gone to chase the shouting wind along if that is any consolation.

  • Tony Thomas says:

    Brett and Ann W. from vicinity of Moss Vale sent me a nice Christmas card but I’ve lost their address to reply. Could they pls let me know at [email protected]. Ta

  • Brian Boru says:

    Thanks again Tony. I have only one suggestion in respect of the art work gluers. That is that they should be left glued to the piece as part of the spectacle until they beg to be freed.
    Plus an additional 24 hours for good measure. Then they should be required to clean up any mess they make as a condition of release.

  • rod.stuart says:

    It is indeed difficult to decipher the game enjoyed by /Steffen and Old Flannelpants.

    While the ballyhoo is always about “the planet”, the “environment” and the “emissions”, buy the words of Figueres herself and Otto Edenhoffer, the environment is immaterial and the thrust is to overthrow free enterprise capitalism.
    In this world of fake news, the populace is completely fooled and confused. The coming “Catastrophic Contagion” (Planned in a table top exercise October 23, 2022 and financed by Bill Gates) will quite possibly nail the lid shut on our coffins. The SADS cases and the excess deaths continue to pile up, and a compliant media and insouciant audience seem completely oblivious.
    You are right on the money, Tony, to place the blame squarely on the shoulders of the fear merchants and scare mongers.

  • Tony Tea says:

    This is a pisstake, right?

    “Emergency: do the maths
    We define emergency (E) as the product of risk and urgency. Risk (R) is defined by insurers as probability (p) multiplied by damage (D). Urgency (U) is defined in emergency situations as reaction time to an alert (τ) divided by the intervention time left to avoid a bad outcome (T). Thus:

    E = R × U = p × D × τ / T

    The situation is an emergency if both risk and urgency are high. If reaction time is longer than the intervention time left (τ / T > 1), we have lost control.”

  • ianl says:

    A thorough callout by Tony T of the cynicism of powerlust, where the scientific illiteracy of the general populace is deliberately used, abused, to stir panic.

    Judith Curry ( has reviewed two recent books here on the possible (probable ?) catastrophe to be caused by this – the real end game, so to speak. Cold, hunger, panic, riots, brutal suppression. Yet still the crabwalker AEMO refuses to publish projected energy supplies in GWh from the renewabubbles.

    As usual, It is seen as from Tony T’s article here that the miners are regarded as the worst of villains, not the actual generators of CO2. This hypocrisy culminated, so far, in an SMH headline this week wherein a “poll” shows that most people insist on the coal, oil and gas fuel supplies continuing (for the interim, of course) but they also insist on controlled, low prices. The Elbow Govt has a clear line here, and risk capital upfront costs for exploration and development bilong some other fella. Situation hopeless.

  • Biggles says:

    At the risk of being black-balled by Ed, I am sorry to say, girls, that the hand-gluers et al are almost invariably hysterical women. Read Kevin Donnelly’s Dictionary of Woke and you will find that the loonies driving this nonsense are almost all possessors of the XX chromosome.

    • 27hugo27 says:

      Correct Biggles, and expand that observation to Street protests involving Caucasians, where the dominant number are blue haired, tattooed and facially pierced women.. Not surprising given the hegemony they have in k/12 education, HR depts, and anywhere air-conditioning is prevalent. They really are at the forefront of the war on civilisation.

  • Daffy says:

    “Andy Warhol depicted consumerism gone mad” Typical artist-tosser. Decrying the enjoyment of the ordinary folks of their hard-earned cash. Complete AH in my view.
    And more amusement from vegans who decry (yes that word again) those who eat meat, wear leather, and sniff perfume, presumably, on the basis of some fake moral high-ground. Odd that any moral light shines on those who think it all ends here, as most vegans I’ve encountered do…yet in their abject materialism they find an overarching ethic where none can exist: after all, its just dust all the way from top to tail and left to right, and all living beings are just various assemblies of…dust.

  • Dallas Beaufort says:

    Peer reviewed, my arse.

  • Blair says:

    “Only the patriarchy would invent repeatedly raping a woman, killing her baby, so he can drink their milk.”
    And silly me thought that cows give consent to the bull (or the Artificial Inseminator.)

  • DougD says:

    Ah, yes, Blair. But was the cow’s consent continuous?

  • ianl says:

    One of the end game strands has now been quite deliberately played out – by a combination of Elbow, Bowen, Perrotittle (yes, I do know) and Keen.

    The NSW coal mining industry, simultaneously spat upon as planet destroyers and panic designated as essential services, has been expropriated through the mechanism of State legislation to avoid any compensation claims through the Federal Constitution.

    Perrotittle et al now decide where product is sent, to whom, by whom, when and at what price. Sunk capital, existing lawful contracts, are now simply destroyed. This will pertain until all God’s windmills are erected. The industry cannot be saved as no one will believe this won’t keep happening. It is obvious this destruction, this oblivion, is by deliberate design.

    This won’t help the “keep lights on” hopefuls as there is now no incentive for production. Why bother ? Scorched earth, or more likely frozen earth, is now decreed. Perrotittle will very likely lose in March but we will see him crabwalk into a UN job or some such as an planet-saving hero.

    For those who are probably unaware (most people), Bob Carr sold off the then Govt-owned Elcom Collieries into private ownership. Centennial Coal (now majority owned by Banpu, Thailand) aquired most of those assets. Carr sold them for a combination of three reasons – greenie ideology, labour costs completely out of control and a huge need for capital replenishment. Carr actually increased the price of coal to the power generators as an incentive for higher private offers for the mines. This also had the effect of increasing domestic power prices … golly and gee !

    Now Perrotittle has expropriated all that private sunk capital without putting up a single cent. What he, Elbow and the repulsive Bowen are unsure of is how to keep high level production going when they have no control of operating or financial costs. The current WA experience offers a clue here.

  • BalancedObservation says:

    Arguably when debates around issues like climate change become quasi religious rather than fact based it leads to some irrational extremist views – sometimes on both sides of the debate. This article has some good examples.
    Though on climate change in particular the pro “environmental” view arguably tends to be more associated with the more extremist views – not that most environmental groups are extremist – the overwhelming majority are well meaning and peaceful.
    However on say anti vaccination and anti lockdown views the anti side of the debate seems to be more associated with the more extremist views – not that anti vaccination and anti lockdown groups are extremist. The overwhelming majority are also well meaning and peaceful.
    Of course those holding quasi religious views all argue their beliefs are fact based. They’ll reel off a litany of views and “facts” they’ve discovered to support their views.
    If a person happens to hold dogmatic views with a quasi religious belief to them on just about anything it’s remarkably easy for them find the views and the “facts” they want to find on the internet to support their own dogmatically held views.
    Those with dogmatically held views will argue them forever, never conceding absolutely anything. It’s therefore pointless to debate such views with people like that on either side of these debates. You are really wasting your time, even if it’s an area you might have a fair amount of knowledge or expertise in.
    On climate change I don’t have the required scientific knowledge and expertise to debate the science. I do however have enough knowledge on the economic implications of climate policies to offer some opinions.
    The negative economic impact on the poor and the negative economic impact on Australia overall is largely ignored by the environmental lobby. And there’s a serious lack of logic on the relative pricing of renewable energy.

  • BalancedObservation says:

    On environmental policies I don’t get into debating the particular science argued by either side, especially with those who hold dogmatic views and are not open to be proven wrong.
    However on the overall economic and economic welfare impacts of such policies I do have a modicum of knowledge.
    So I ask questions like if renewable energy is clearly cheaper why is it necessary for governments to intervene in the market to force the adoption of renewable energy? That just makes no sense to me at all. It’s totally illogical.
    It’s also pretty obvious the poor are going to be hit hardest by the adoption of carbon reducing policies. Why is this issue largely ignored by those pushing the policies?
    Energy costs will almost certainly represent a larger proportion of the income of the poor who will also lack the resources and the means to take defensive moves to lessen the cost impact of such policies.
    For example most poor people can’t afford the capital costs of solar and in any case are renters and can’t install solar etc which governments are subsidizing. So they miss out on taking advantage of such subsidies and they’ll have to rely solely on the grid for their energy.
    Energy on the grid which has a fossil fuel source component will be increasingly taxed to force energy companies into adopting renewable energy sources – thus increasing grid tariffs the poor have no option but to pay. (Ex Labor heavy Graham Richardson wrote an excellent article on this issue a long time ago in The Australian).
    In addition the full economic implications of climate targets on Australia are all but ignored. No one seems to be providing concrete answers on what is going to be replacing the export income Australia derives from fossil energy sources.
    For 2022 to 2023 the income from coal and LNG gas exports alone is estimated at $120 billion and $90 billion respectively. How is that going to be replaced? Or will the environmental lobby just continue to ignore the issue? And it’s not simply the environmental lobby which is ignoring the issue.
    What difference will small countries like Australia make if India, China and Russia don’t adopt similar environmental policies? They don’t seem to be. If Australia takes a huge hit economically pushing zero carbon policies it’s unlikely to improve anything except to relatively improve the economic prospects of those not following such policies.

  • Elizabeth Beare says:

    When there is no serious pushback against the scientific illiteracy that surrounds notions of ‘climate change’ then loonies of all colours and persuasions are invited to have field day ‘doing their bit’. Deplatforming those who object has to be brought to notice, and stopped (you little beaut, Elon Musk).
    We need to have a proper debate on the issues, on problems with the concept of CO2 as a climate driver, and all of the modelling used to panic the scientifically illiterate good and great of the world (looking at you, King Charles). A lot of Covid redux there. Especially important is bringing to public notice the the capture of various key scientific and other organisations by activists (The Australian Academy of Science, for instance, where green trans activitists constitute the majority of the employees who run the place).
    Thanks for your good work, Tony. I feel sorry for those who are so spooked by such nonsense, and yes, many are women. Women are vulnerable because we have babies. We are born protectors, and sadly due to that many of us are open to influence regarding threats to our families. The biggest threat to any woman’s family today is the mooted de-industrialisation of the world due to the chimera of climatic change.

  • BalancedObservation says:

    It’s tempting to blame extremists like those mentioned in this article for the energy stuff up our extremely energy resource rich country finds itself in now.
    These extremists might get into the news and might provide equal degrees of mirth and disgust among some but they have had little real power in determining Australia’s energy policies.
    The major parties on both sides of politics should take a bow for Australia’s huge energy stuff up. Look at your energy bill. It’s pathetic that you have to pay that sort of money when your country is one of the most energy resource rich countries in the world. And it’s probably going to get worse. Neither major party seems to have any effective answers.
    So have a laugh at the way-out views this article reports on but more importantly think about holding to account the people who’ve had the real power who’ve caused this great energy stuff up we now face.

  • maxpart27 says:

    Read the future in the Maxwell Empire Books set in 4576.

  • Citizen Kane says:

    Once again in Bonnie and Violet Crumble (sorry – Coco) we see the inherent narcissism of the postmodernist age. When you exist at the centre of your own universe, if you are dying and facing annihilation then so must all of humanity and when you experience a drought and the consequential severe bushfire season that follows in your own backyard then, of course, the entire universe must be facing Armageddon. This is nothing more than an underdeveloped intellect and juvenile and malformed psyche at play – unfortunately, on a societal level.

    Even making any useful conclusions from the UAH satellite data is wildly premature. Extrapolation of a 1.3 degrees Celsius rise in global mean temperature over the century cannot, using scientific analysis, be arrived at on the basis of the current data. Infact, the latest version of the UAH data has revised down the decade on decade rise in average temperature from 0.140 to 0.114 degrees Celsius. The timeframe of captured data is simply not long enough to draw any conclusions whatsoever regarding a linear or sustained rise in mean global temperatures. Indeed, since 2016 this data has indicated a decreasing trend in global mean temperature from the registered peaks of 2015. This may or may not be indicative of a sinusoidal waveform in climate variability, in which case, and when correlated with Solar cycles from historical data, may indicate a cooler than average period ahead, eventuating well within the nominated 100 year timeframe. It is also very helpful to note that the geological record has never demonstrated any link or correlation between atmospheric CO2 levels and global mean temperature. One need only look back a mere 12000 years to see a 4 degree rise in mean global temperature while CO2 levels were actually decreasing somewhat or at worst stable. The end of the last ice age holds most of the clues to what really drives the very normal cyclic phenomenon of climate change.

    • Geoff Sherrington says:

      The reduction in UAH linear best fit trends is due partly to chages in the processing algorithms, partly with newer base periods for anomaly calculation, but also caused by an actual decrease in the rate of warming. Even if the algorithms were unchanged, the trend would be decreasing. For Australia, see

  • john mac says:

    Petroleum based pram accelerant , petroleum based glue , no doubt some clothing worn same . Irony not ever encountered by shrill activists .

  • John-Tassie says:

    New Zero?
    Forty wind turbines per week?
    22,000 solar panels per day?
    28,000 kms of transmission line per month?
    I suggest a bumper sticker campaign “My landcruiser identifies as electric”

  • Rob H says:

    I have not been able to find anything about the “awarding” of the MA and PhD to William Steffan by the University of Florida. Happened in the 1970s’. What were his theses and dissertations that led to the advanced degrees?

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