
Got Islam, Got Problems

Last Saturday morning, the BBC reported as follows: “Officials in Gaza say more than 14,800 people including about 6,000 children have been killed since Israel began its military campaign against Hamas.” That’s 800 people more than reported in that tendentious, pro-Hamas letter, signed by hundreds of Australia’s left-wing hacks. While these figures should be taken with a grain of salt, for the sake of the argument, let’s assume that they have some relationship to reality. Who bears responsibility for so many civilian deaths?

There should be no doubt that Hamas bears the responsibility. It waged war against a neighbouring state on October 7 and deliberately puts Gazan civilians in harm’s way. Israel bears no responsibility, beyond being proportionate in accordance with the humanitarian rules of war. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken would do well to acknowledge that, stand aside, and let Israel win the war. Try to imagine Churchill, FDR or Truman seeking out Blinken’s advice in WWII? Relax, some things just can’t be imagined.

The aforementioned malign letter says, “historical context [should be provided] when referencing the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel. The conflict did not start on October 7.” No, that’s right, it didn’t. It started in 1948, when the newly formed state of Israel was immediately attacked by its neighbours: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. And, pray tell, when since that time, has Israeli enjoyed the security of being recognised as an independent Jewish state by any of its neighbours? At no time is the answer.

Wars, rocket barrages, constant terrorist attacks, and threats (from the river to the sea), have given Israeli no respite. Imagine Australia in that situation; year after year, decade after decade. Presumably “journalists” signing the letter lack all imagination, apart from lacking common decency. Think about it. What kind of miserable wretches would engage in bothsidesism when reporting the pack-raping of young women; the mutilation, burning, killing and kidnapping of women, children, infants and babies? The kind for which there are no words base enough.

In 2014, I visited the police station in Sderot, bordering on Gaza, which Hamas terrorists occupied on 10/7, having killed numbers of police officers. Piled up inside the police compound were thousands of pieces of rockets. These had been fired from Gaza since 2007, when Hamas took over the sole administration of Gaza, following its defeat of Fatah forces. In turn, this followed Israel’s unilateral withdrawal of all of its forces and the abandonment of its settlements in 2005.

When Israel gave Gaza over to the resident Arabs, they embraced their independence in 2006 by electing an organisation with the avowed aim, recorded in its very charter, of slaughtering Jews. How enlightened is that among so-called innocent civilians; the same kind of innocent civilians shown on newsreels as joyously cheering on Hitler. Mind you, truth be told, their choice was for the most part between very bad (Fatah) and very much worse (Hamas). There was and is no good choice. The leaders of any political movement offering a good choice would be executed forthwith; probably gruesomely, as is the wont of Hamas, its fellow travellers and untold numbers of rabid supporters in the street.

I heard Fox News’ Mark Levin putting it in a way which can’t be gainsaid and is the fundamental context of 10/7. If the Palestinians laid down their arms, he said, there would be peace. If Israel laid down its arms, Israeli Jews [and likely many Israeli Arabs] would be slaughtered. Yet, widely prevailing in the West is what can be referred to as the ABC and BBC worldview. Apart from its intrinsic pro-Palestinian biases, it keeps on life support the mirage of the two-state solution. Hello to anyone with a bit of brain, one side wants the other dead. That’s their solution. No other.

With the best will in the world, accommodation between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs is fraught with hurdles. The vexed issue of East Jerusalem is an almighty hurdle. For Jews, the Temple Mount and the Western Wall are too sacred to give up, as is the Al-Aqsa Mosque for Muslims. But, above all, nothing makes reconciliation less likely than does Islam.

First, to the Ummah, the worldwide community of Muslims transcends national borders. That’s why Muslims of quite different nationalities band together. It’s why there were protests in Malaysia, for example, calling for peace in Gaza and an end to US military support for Israel.

Second, to the inviolability of Muslim rule. What was ever Muslim land is seen always as Muslim land which must be returned to Islamic control. The land of Israel was part of the Ottoman Empire. Can’t have Jews, those who reject Mohammed and Allah, ruling.

Third, to there being are only two camps, Dar al-Islam (The House of Islam, i.e., Muslim countries) and Dar al-Harp (The House of War, i.e., non-Muslim countries). This will end only with the final victory of Islam.

While these three tenets of Islam have varying support among ordinary Muslims they are mainstream enough to carry the day in the hands of firebrand Islamic clerics of which there is no shortage. Together, they form an insuperable barrier to peace. There is no doubt that if Palestinians were, say, polytheists or Zoroastrians, or anything else but Muslims, peace would have long since broken out; despite the difficulties. Invidious Islam is the context behind the fundamental context of 10/7.

40 thoughts on “Got Islam, Got Problems


    As a Christian I am duty bound to love my fellow human beings regardless of whatever religious faith they have. However, that Christian love does not have to extend to their professed faith. This is fervently so for me regarding Islam. I hate Islam. It ultimately destroys whatever it touches.

    Ex-Muslim scholar Ibn Warraq, author of Why I Am Not A Muslim says this:
    “Islam is a totalitarian ideology that aims to control the religious, social and political life of mankind in all its aspects — the life of its followers without qualification, and the life of those who follow the so-called tolerated religions to a degree that prevents their activities from getting in the way of Islam in any manner. And I mean Islam. I do not accept some spurious distinction between Islam and “Islamic fundamentalism” or “Islamic terrorism.” The terrorists who planted bombs in Madrid on March 11, 2004, and those responsible for the death of approximately 3000 people on September 11, 2001 in New York, and the Ayatollahs of Iran, were and are all acting canonically. Their actions reflect the teachings of Islam, whether found in the Koran, in the acts and teachings of the Prophet Mohammed, or in Islamic Law that is based upon them.”

    It is vital to understand the process of Islamisation. There are four Stages Of Islamic Conquest. The site below is comprehensive. Some parts of the West like France and the UK seem to be at Stage three. We in Australia seem to be at Stage two. Time to wise up before the point of no return is reached.

    • lbloveday says:

      As a Christian I am duty bound to love my fellow human beings regardless of whatever religious faith they have.
      A step too far for me, I think.
      A cousin’s daughter was repeatedly stabbed by a POS and left to die in a park. She dragged herself to a house where the owners found her body on the porch next morning with blood stains on the door where she’d vainly tried to waken them.
      My cousin, a good man, a Christian preacher, told me “I hate what he did, but love the man”. My response was along the lines “I pray God will give me 15 minutes alone with him in a locked room”.

    • Ceres says:

      Good link. Stage 2. “Development of Muslim political base in non-Muslim host society”.
      We’re there. Muslim politicians Ed Husic and Anne Aly sworn in on the Koran.

  • Peter OBrien says:

    “While these three tenets of Islam have varying support among ordinary Muslims they are mainstream enough to carry the day in the hands of firebrand Islamic clerics of which there is no shortage.”
    That is the essence of the worldwide problem of Islamism. We may accept refugees from Gaza, who are realistic enough to see the results of hardline Islamism, but many of their offspring, who will grow up in the relatively benign environment in Australia, will be ripe for the blandishments of these clerics.
    And on that topic, does anyone have any update on the presumably ‘ongoing’ investigation into the two western Sydney hare preachers? What odds it is quietly dropped?

    • lbloveday says:

      Sent me searching, then saw R is next to T on my keyboard, so “hate” it is!

    • Jackson says:

      Perhaps, “hare-brained”?

      • lbloveday says:

        I’ve long thought hares, especially the females, are unfairly maligned by the common use of “hare-brained”.
        “Mad as a March hare” is based on hares’ behavior during mating season
        Among other antics, the female hare tests a prospective mate by making him give chase over several kilometres. If he catches her, she’ll mate with him; if not, well, he wasn’t fit to be the father of her children anyway.

    • Peter OBrien says:

      You read it here first:

      From the Australian:

      “Uproar as NSW Police, AFP drop investigations into southwest Sydney hate-speech clerics”

      • William says:

        This reveals an initiative that has been applied for a generation to undermine the western countries. There is obviously pressure from lobby groups/big money to remain silent while invaded by massive groups of an ideological persuasion whose objective is the destruction of our culture (and us). This pressure has been world-wide. It is obvious that Soros is one of the sources, and there are equivalent pressures in Australia – the journalist class could do well to expose those who are the sources of this program. As it is so obvious that it is totally against the Christian foundations of our moral values, it cannot be anything but deliberate.
        It results in the absurd and patently unjust situation where police are to afraid to touch those who literally call for ‘death’ to people, but will arrest those under the guise of ‘hate speech’ when an ideological position is challenged – in the UK there are 3,300 in gaol for the crime of posting ideologically counter-cultural views on social media (according to Konstantin Kissen). When terrorism occurs, in France, in Australia (the Lindt cafe), the ideological cause is completely discounted by the narrative pushed upon us by both the media and politicians. The Lindt cafe was ‘an individual case’ where he had ‘mental problems’. Wonderment was expressed regarding the lorry driven into the crowd at Nice, ‘Why did he do it?’
        The police do this because they will not only be attacked by the media, the politicians do not have their back. Any police district commander who enforces the rule of law against those of the protected class will be betrayed, disciplined and hung out to dry by his/her superiors. Every leader of any of our ‘forces’ must, rather than do their job of protecting their fellow citizens, instead, show how caring and empathetic they are to LGBT ‘victims’ and, similarly, they cannot speak the truth when confronted by a malevolent force in the midst of our cities. They certainly cannot act to protect us in these instances- not only will the Muslims demonstrate (in which case our leaders will reveal their cowardice), they will be pilloried by our ghastly treacherous press and their superiors, to the point where their careers and lives will be ruined.
        This modus operandi reveals more than a media and political class who are disingenuous. Soros and his ‘open borders’ and the media who are bought with his/and his fellow travelers’ money are knowingly treacherous.
        As was always obvious, allowing people into the country who hate all of us (not just Jews) and who freely preach death and who denigrate women as part of their cultural inheritance will lead to conflict and tragedy. For the media to run cover for it is part of the massive program of gas-lighting to which we have been subjected. This has been achieved by manipulating those aspects of Christianity that play on the emotions and sympathies of Australians, Americans, French, Dutch etc. (some of which are articulated here).
        . There is no point in criticising the media – they are obviously bought. The police act on orders from their political masters and have been demoralised with conflicting messages for a generation.
        The bottom line is that we have a police force which acts on orders from their ministers and, if the politicians refuse to allow the police to defend ordinary people then they are not acting in our interests but are performing the role of a fifth column in undermining our culture and our country’s safety.
        It is sheeted home to the politicians who seem to be willing to betray us for political gain. I suppose the only solution is to admit the truth – we cannot have a Christian country if we import people who are sworn enemies of Christianity. But I suppose that means, first, that all those people who completely deny that their moral compass derives from a faith and that the faith that has formed their world-view and their cultural values and that has created their civilisation, is Christianity. That might be painful for many, but until the truth is faced and relativism and notions that humanity is ‘innately the same’ are abandoned, the truth will be unable to be seen.

    • lbloveday says:

      From The Australian 7/12:
      State and federal police have dropped their investigations into a series of hate-fuelled anti-semitic sermons in NSW, saying the clerics’ calls for jihad and spitting on Israel so “Jews would drown” didn’t meet the criminality threshold.

        • MargieCJ says:

          Thank you lbloveday for providing The Australian article in full.
          Alexi Demetriad writes that “State and federal police have dropped their investigations into a series of hate-fuelled anti-semitic sermons in NSW, saying the clerics’ calls for jihad and spitting on Israel so “Jews would drown” didn’t meet the criminality threshold.”
          And if the situation was reversed, would the State and federal police have dropped their investigations into a series of hate-fuelled anti-Islamic sermons in NSW, saying that the Australian public’s calls for pay-back and spitting on the Imams so “Islamic Jihadis would drown” didn’t meet the criminality threshold?
          You bet it would reach their criminality threshold!
          And it defies belief that calls for the “killing of Jews” at the Sydney Opera House have failed to meet their threshold!

  • exuberan says:

    Maybe the title of Peter’s article could have read, ‘Got Islam next door’ or ‘Got Islam within’, because either way you have a big problem. Paul Berber (Terror and Liberalism) asserted that wherever Muslims live near or next to Non Muslims worldwide there is conflict. Gaza must be the perfect example then.

  • lbloveday says:

    From Corey Saylor, director of Council on American–Islamic Relations research and advocacy:

    “Both Islamophobia and anti-Arab racism are out of control in ways we have not seen in almost 10 years.
    The Islamophobic and anti-Palestinian rhetoric that have been used to both justify violence against Palestinians in Gaza and silence supporters of Palestinian human rights here in America has contributed to this unprecedented surge in bigotry.”

  • Ceres says:

    All so true Peter Smith. However there can never be accommodation between Israel and Palestinians given they want Israel annihilated. Neighbouring muslim countries won’t even have a bar of Palestinians.
    On a broader scale islam and its ‘delights’ have been peppering the world for decades. Amazing that humans’ self preservation instincts didn’t kick in and citizens demand importing muslims, cease, years ago. Belatedly it’s happening in some European countries, most recently Holland. Australian politicians shamefully, continue our demise.

  • Daffy says:

    Peter, you omitted to mention the expulsion of Jews from the Arab states in the region in 1948-49. No one seemed to bat an eyelid, least of all the British, who at the time were exhibiting the ‘dark side of convenience’ of their Empire. Since then the UN and most nations, but not all, have pretended that Islam makes no existential claim against Israel, I suppose Hamas et al have declined to accept offers of land because it was not in the South of France! I suppose also that nearby Arab states refuse to resettle Gazan refugees because they are a useful pawn in the war for the non-existence of Israel and must remain there to keep the Islamic land fantasy alive. The Western Left have all the insight of a blank wall.

  • Katzenjammer says:

    Solution – Go back to the Mandate territories. Israel takes Gaza, Judea and Samaria. Any Arab who wishes to be Israeli citizens can remain. All others move to Jordan, the part of the Mandate for Palestine that was allocated for Arabs. Any Arab remaining in the revised Israel who stirs up against Israel is deported to Jordan. It’s the population exchange that should have been done in 1947. The Mandate two state solution.

    • vickisanderson says:

      On the face of it, a great solution. However, any 2 state solution is going to face the same possible occurrence as happened on 10/7. They want, as Peter infers, the loot that Israel has accumulated.

    • cbattle1 says:

      Solution: Return to the days when Palestinian Christians, Jews and Arabs lived in peace, before the British assisted Zionist invasion and conquest.

  • Sir Peter says:

    Excellent article. One disagreement however, Islam does not need to be qualified as “radical” to be a problem. It’s like speaking of wet water or powdery dust. Islam in any guise is a violent evil philosophy of conquest created by a war-mongering woman-hating slaver, thief, murderer and paedophile. Almost certainly a psychopath.

    All adherents see him as the perfect man and ultimate role model. A “radical” moslem would one who rejects this, and thus by the philosophy’s own laws ceases to be a moslem.

    On October 7 the “bad” boys of Hamas were not “extreme” or “an aberration” or “radical”, they were simply doing what Islam instructs them to do as it has done for 1,400 years.

    You can’t have Christianity without Christ nor Islam without Mohammad. There is no moral equivalence. The more you emulate the former the better person you are. The more you emulate the latter the more evil you are. No country is safe if Islam exists within its borders.

    • Peter Smith says:

      Thanks Sir Peter, but I didn’t qualify Islam with ‘radical’. In fact, I agree with you. There is only one Islam and it’s radical at its very core – in the Koran and in the Hadith.

      • Davidovich says:

        Indeed, Peter. Has anybody heard one word of condemnation of Hamas’ atrocities from any so-called moderate Muslims?

      • Trevor Bailey says:

        H.L. Mencken once observed: ‘To every complex question there is always a simple answer – and it is always wrong.’ Fortunately the question you address, Peter, is a simple one. Keep up the excellent work.

      • Sir Peter says:

        Hi Peter (Smith) I know you are a realist regarding Islam. You wouldn’t qualify Islam’s horrors as radical. But the Quadrant link to the article used the term “ radical Islam” – not the article itself. Sorry for the confusion. I should have been clearer.

  • Mike says:

    The Unhinged Among Us : Dark delusions of the pro-Hamas crowd.

    Victor Davis Hanson

  • vickisanderson says:

    “Invidious Islam is the context behind the fundamental context of 10/7.”

    Indeed. Yes, there are numerous arguments – all valid – for the irreconcilable differences between Muslims and Jews. But I have always observed that envy feeds the resentment of Israel.

    I travelled to Israel some decades ago, and was very impressed with what they had achieved even then. I have been listening to Victor Davis Hanson who reckons that the current standard of living in Israel surpasses many communities in the USA. For a nation barely reaching 10 million, starting almost from scratch in a hostile (agriculture & enemies) environment, that is an astonishing achievement. Barring the oil nations, Islamic states don’t come near to matching the per capita property of Israel.

  • Davidovich says:

    I am reading Antony Beevor’s “Berlin: 
The Downfall 1945” and am reminded that there are humans whose depravity knows no depth. Hamas personnel and many other Islamists continue that inhuman depravity; it beggars belief that we have people in our communities who criticise Israel for fighting to defend itself from such barbarity.

  • MargieCJ says:

    Thank you once again Peter Smith for an excellent article and all the contributors who, as of 8.10pm on 6.12.2023, have made thoughtful and important comments.
    These dire times in our human history call for brave, bold, daring and, maybe, controversial thoughts in our discussion of what should be done to preserve peace and prosperity in Israel.
    There must be no more ceasefires to appease the pro-Islamic propagandists whose mantra is, “Death to Israel; Death to America; Kill the kaffirs/ infidels/ unbelievers/ Christians; From the river to the sea; Gas the Jews; Annihilate the State of Israel; Genocide against the Jewish people etc” The IDF must finish their mammoth task of taking out Hamas terrorists.
    We must not forget that Israel is a small landmass compared to the whole of the mostly Islamic Middle East. Israel is only about 8,400 square miles, the Middle East is about 5,000,000 square miles. Also, the Islamic population is about 315,000,000 compared to the Israeli population which is only about 7,100,000.
    As around 90% of the population of Gaza and The West Bank is Muslim, a solution must be worked out whereby ALL the Islamists in those areas are relocated into one of the many Islamic countries occupying that 5,000,000 square miles in every direction just outside the borders of Gaza, The West Bank and Israel. This move is imperative because there will never be peace while Islamists are co-habiting with Israelis or any other individuals of any other creed or culture.
    IDF MUST take control of Gaza and The West Bank. They must never ever return control to the Hamas savages or any other brand of Islamist who all must adhere to the murderous teachings of Muhammad. And that list of Islamic terrorists is very long. And many might not know that Biden, sitting in the President’s chair, took the Houthis Shia Islamist political organization from Yemen off the following official list:-
    We must never forget the following:-
    “In the later part of his life, Mohammed’s all consuming passion was the conquest of the Kaffirs (sic Infidels, non-believers).
    In the last 1400 years, a conservative estimate of the number of people killed by Islamic Jihad is 270 million people.”
    The above are quotes from ‘The Story of Mohammed – Islam unveiled’ by Harry Richardson, published 10.10.2013 – pp68 & 122.
    Look at a map of Israel. Those two land masses – Gaza & The West Bank – are INSIDE an imaginary line drawn around the border of Israel. The very capable IDF must never give up control of these two land masses to militant Islamic terrorists again.
    All the remaining innocent Israeli hostages and those from other countries must be released BEFORE there is another ceasefire. NO more convicted Islamic terrorists who are in Israel’s prisons, must be exchanged for innocent Israeli, American and other hostages. There will ONLY be peace through strength.

  • Oblomov says:

    Islam is the scourge of the western world.

    It is an evil totalitarian ideology that must be rooted out before it thrives in Australia like a poisonous weed.

    We must stop Muslims entering the country. They are the world’s dregs, filled with hatred and bile.

  • lhackett01 says:

    The Elephant in the Room – Israel and Islam

    The Israeli/Hamas war is but an example of the fundamental problem presented by Islam. No true Muslim will accept the existence of non-Muslims (infidels) unless for advantage.

    The main problem is not terrorists. The problem is Islam, which includes the Quran, the Sunnah, the Hadith and Sharia law, and the belief of Muslims that Islam is decreed by God.

    The Quran explicitly instructs Muslims to kill infidels who are acting against Islam (one of many Quranic quotes is Surah 4:76 that states, “The true believers fight for the cause of God, but the infidels fight for the devil. Fight then against the friends of Satan”). The Quran particularly prescribes death for all who fight Islam or are unbelievers. When Muslims dominate, ‘unbelievers’ who are Christian or Jewish are offered the opportunity of converting to Islam, of paying a tax, or death. People of other faiths and atheists must convert or die.

    These instructions lie dormant until triggered by events. The members of the Islamic State (IS) are acting as required by Islam as they see it. Likewise, Hamas and all Islamists in the regions bordering Israel accept they are commanded by Allah to destroy Israel and kill Israelis. The Quran must be followed by all true Muslims. So-called moderate Muslims may deny this imperative under the concept of al-Taqiyya (obfuscating or lying to protect themselves or the faith). However, when push comes to shove, they will act as the Quran demands. To act otherwise would label them as hypocrites in the eyes of true Muslims. (The Koran, Surah 4.89, demands that Muslims “not befriend hypocrites and, unless they repent, they are to be killed wherever they are to be found.)

    Islam is not a religion of peace, as is evidenced clearly in the Quran. The earlier verses are peaceful and exemplify tolerance towards those who do not follow Islam. However, Muslims understand that the later verses, which came after Mohammed migrated to Medina, supersede the earlier verses. The later verses reflect prejudice, intolerance, and endorse violence upon unbelievers.

    Unless and until Muslims can be convinced to reinterpret Islam and accept that other people can worship whichever god they choose, or no god, then the problem will remain.

  • Davidovich says:

    The breakdown of the nation-state in the West has been underway for some time pushed by the world’s socialists. Consequently, there has been a massive influx of people of cultures antithetical to those of the nations they now inhabit.
    The present conflict in Israel and Gaza plus the huge demonstrations in Paris, Sydney and London, and elsewhere, show there will be no integration of Islamic peoples in these countries.
    It is surely time now to bring an end to the import of people whose cultures would destroy ours. Whilst the leftists will decry this as racism, the conversation has to start if we wish to remain a culture guided by Judeo-Christian ethics.

  • Oblomov says:

    Islam is a totalitarian political ideology that masquerades as a religion.

    It has no place in a civilised society and, if it takes root, should be dug up and discarded.

  • Mike says:

    Raptor News : latest on the Israel – Hamas Conflict

    The Last Great Leader of Hamaz Was Found in the Tunnel! Israel Surrounded Hundreds of Militants!

  • John Daniels says:

    The World will not forgive the Murder of over 6000 innocent Palestinian children and counting .
    Or the destruction of the homes and livelihood of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians .
    It is ethnic cleansing clear and simple and a War crime that will haunt Israel for ever .
    The dehumanising of people and collective punishment are tactics the Nazis used .
    I am sickened by the Hate Speech that is on this forum .

    • MargieCJ says:

      And Islamic Hamas terrorists and their supporters, yelling the following IS NOT HATE SPEECH? – “”Death to Israel; Death to America; Kill the kaffirs/ infidels/ unbelievers/ Christians; From the river to the sea; Gas the Jews; Annihilate the State of Israel; Genocide against the Jewish people etc”

    • lbloveday says:

      Quote: I am sickened by the Hate Speech that is on this forum.
      Simply fixed, do as I do – don’t read posts from people whom you have determined use “Hate Speech”, or anything else that will sicken, even annoy you. I will read no more of your posts.

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