The Real Backlash

mini mo est mortJournalists  covering the murder of police accountant Curtis Cheng in Parramatta on October 2 are working in a climate of fear because of death threats. Chris Reason, senior reporter for Seven News, Sydney said this last night in a speech to about 100 media people and friends at a Melbourne Press Club function at the RACV.

Reason and his cameraman, Greg Parker, provided live coverage throughout the Man Monis siege at the Lindt Café in Martin Place last December.

“Some media outlets are receiving direct physical violent death threats, specific threats not to go near Parramatta Mosque, where the 15-year-old went to pray. At one point a senior member of the Daily Telegraph turned up there with two  flak jackets,” Reason  said.

“The situation is deadly serious among journalists covering the story in Western Sydney. People have been seen videoing journos in their cars. Journos and cameramen are doing their job more cautiously, but they continue covering this critical story well.”

The Press Club function to legendary Age editor Graham Perkin, killed by a heart attack 40 years ago at the age of just 45. Reason last March was named 2014’s Graham Perkin Australian Journalist of the Year. He told the audience last night, “This is the sort of story Graham Perkin would have chased down hard and fearlessly.”

The Age had no coverage of Reason’s talk this morning, nor did the Herald Sun, The Australian or ABC, at least according to online searching. Last night’s audience was a galaxy of past and present editors, investigative journalists, star columnists and commentators, and household-word media personalities.

Interviewed by Quadrant after the function, Reason said Sydney reporters, as far as he knew, were continuing to “keep going with their work” and their tone was not affected.

The Telegraph received direct threats to their journalists and the word spread from there. There had been an explicit threat to a young female Tele journo that she would have her arms ripped off and she would be murdered. It was very violent language, she told us.

“Counter-terrorist operators in Sydney intercepted messages between certain groups threatening and targeting journos and media. The Telegraph was one of them, AAP another. Executives organised precautions. Most media organisations like (channels) 7 and 10 ended up hiring private security guards while covering the story in the first week.

“It’s an atmosphere of intimidation and fear. I have never seen anything like it in Sydney in 20 years. In my organization there’s been some serious conversation  on how to cover it, how to approach the story, how to protect ourselves. Some cameramen are worried, some journos worried. I don’t know what’s being done about security at people’s homes.

“We have not talked about it publicly. No reporter has talked or written about it in Sydney.”

A sample of  the death threats being received by journalists was provided, by coincidence, yesterday by Herald Sun columnist Andrew Bolt. An email he received and reproduced on his blog reads:

“hi there again you arrogant piece of shit!!! You f—ng Jewish dog, stop hiding behind your f—d up articles and office and say your shit in Lakemba if you had any balls, which you don’t. You’re a piece of shit that gets your frills by bragging about Islam every time. May Allah the Almighty God bless someone to burn you and have your head on display without your body intact and feed you to dogs. Burn in HELL.”

The death threats to journalists in Sydney and Melbourne come against the backdrop of the murders of 11  Charlie Hebdo staffers in Paris in January.

The media anxiety in Sydney contrasts with the insouciance with which the media deal with organized crime and bikie gangs. Underbelly-style reports are often treated as low-life comedy. Crime groups are aware that killing a journalist would be stunningly bad for business. This was demonstrated when a drug-syndicate hitman killed whistleblower Donald Mackay in Griffith in 1977. Mackay was a furniture retailer, not a journalist, but keen to expose corruption.

By contrast,  the murder of a journalist would be “good for business” in the eyes of hard-line Islamists, even more so than a random slaying. When ISIL beheaded journalists Jim Foley and Steven Sotloff in Syria a year ago, ISIL posted triumphant videos of the acts as a warning to America.

At last night’s  Press Club function, a former Age editor told Quadrant Online that tensions with the Muslim community were fiercer in Sydney than in Melbourne. In Sydney, he said, it was easy to find marked anti-Muslim sentiments, especially in the western suburbs where  he divined a sense of displacement because of refugees taking up scarce housing and government services including health. It was much the same syndrome exploited by nationalist Pauline Hanson, he opined. “You don’t get those sentiments in Northern and Eastern Sydney,” he said.

Quadrant Online was slightly taken aback by this analysis, not least because Reason in his speech described Islamist threats but said nothing about any anti-Islamism.

Tony Thomas blogs at No BS Here (I Hope)

16 thoughts on “The Real Backlash

  • Jody says:

    I’m appalled to read this, but not at all surprised. And we are expected to pander to the communities which give rise to this kind of violence, intimidation and ugliness. What on earth are these people doing living in our country? Many many thousands of Australian people demand to know the answer to that question; the miscreants who promulgated the multicultural policy in this country, on the back of cultural Marxism, have either run for cover, pontificate on a regular basis and bore us all into a coma with their virtue signalling naivete. The execrable and oleaginous Waleed Ally regularly writes patronizing and smug-filled articles in the smh blaming Australian politics for all kinds of ‘sins’ which he has deemed to be just that.

    The question is now: what are we going to do about all this rubbish, foisted on up by the left?

    • Jack Richards says:

      “The question is now: what are we going to do about all this rubbish, foisted on up by the left?

      Answer: Write an article and have a Q & A panel discuss it and come to the conclusion that it’s all a huge knee-jerk reaction to what is a symptom of the failure of Australians to embrace multiculturalism and our continued practice of micro-aggression and racism towards people who practice the Religion of Peace and mostly have brown or black skins. Quite clearly most white Australians, particularly ignorant bogans of Anglo-Irish descent, are incapable of appreciating the hurt and insult they inflict through their words and actions that marginalise and oppress the very people who are enriching this country with culture – an asset this country never had before 1975 as was recognised by Al Grassby and the wonderful Whitlam Labor Government that did so much to drag this country out of the dark ages and finally introduced the wonders of multiculturalism.

      Really, what are a few empty death threats to journalists when it is clear that the importation of half-a-million Muslims immigrants finally made Australia a “first world” nation rather than a bleached-white and sleepy outpost of the defunct British Empire. Those migrants built this country – before they came there was nothing here and nothing even worthy of the name “culture”. Now we have all the benefits of non-white immigration enriching us: riots in the streets demanding the beheading of anyone who “insults Islam”; sieges in Cafes by an oppressed Muslim man out on bail for the triviality of murdering his wife; the stabbing of fascists in the Victoria Police; the shooting of a lackey of the racist and xenophobic NSW Police Force; plots to bomb the 2005 AFL Grand Final; a plot to launch and attack on that symbol of racism and brutality, the Australian Army base at Holsworthy; the regular shooting up of western Sydney suburbs in drive-bys; the pack-rape of a bit of “uncovered meat”; the shooting up of Lakemba Police Station in rightful retaliation at Police victimisation of good, decent Muslims as Magistrate Pat O’Shane pointed out when she upbraided the Police for arresting the same young men when they open fire on them for pulling them over for “driving while Muslim” and, correctly, releasing the young men without conviction and apologising to them for racist-inspired hurt they’d suffered. And so on and so forth on an almost daily basis.

      These journalists have nothing to fear so long as they don’t keep insulting Islam or denigrating Muslims going about their nation-building activities. We all know that there was “one little incident” in Paris where a few racist, xenophobic and Islamophobic journalists suffered some collateral damage but that is no reason to denigrate the Religion of Peace. That incident was “politically motivated” and had nothing to do with Islam – and was probably a false-flag operation by Marine Le Pens “Front Nationale”.

      In the final analysis, as I’m quite certain an even-handed and balanced Q & A panel and audience would find, there is nothing for Australians to worry about and the journalists making these ridiculous and racist claims should be immediately dismissed – or else!

  • Sigwyvern says:

    The only good that may come of this is for some of the blinkered left to begin to wake up to themselves. Perhaps they will now see the so called religion of peace as it really is.

    • Jack Richards says:

      You fool. They’ll find a way to blame it on American Imperialism, historical British brutality, and the ongoing racism, ignorance and xenophobia of right-wing-nuts in Australia. As we’ve already been told, the way to deal with potential radicalisation of Muslims yoof is to build more Mosques so that they won’t become “politically motivated”.

  • I second Jody’s comments on this article. Thanks Tony for letting us know of this truly appalling situation.

    Just an extra point on Donald Mackay. As well as being a furniture retailer and campaigner against illicit drugs, he was a Liberal Party candidate at three elections. While he was never elected, his preferences helped a Country Party candidate unseat the execrable Al Grassby. After Mackay’s murder, Grassby was paid by the local mafia to circulate a sickening lie that Mackay’s widow was involved in the killing (she successfully sued for defamation). With full knowledge of these facts, then ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope decided in 2009 to erect a statue of Grassby in Canberra.

    • Jody says:

      My extended family lives in Griffith and they’re all quite old now. They all know the McKay family very well and they know what goes on, but which is kept from the public eye for fear of retribution. A statue of McKay sits in the main street of Griffith, according to my relatives “as a warning”!! Al Grassby was a corrupt and dangerous man who is largely culpable for what has happened to our country through the ‘multicultural’ project.

      There is a standing joke around Griffith that Al and his wife Eleanor Grassby made 3 attempts at the Primary Final!!!

  • jenkins says:

    The comments of the former Age editor are indicative of the line taken by Fairfax media. I had tried previously tried to alert one of their papers of some of the incidents of harassment, intimidation and violence told to me by women who live in South West Sydney. My comment on the most serious incident was not published as it was yet to go to trial. Fair enough. The other incidents I described, including one involving myself, were met with disbelief and myself being called a “racist bogan” and the suggestion that there must have been something in my manner to attract such harassment, even though I had been simply walking to visit a family member on the grounds of a public hospital at the time. Sound familiar? To my astonishment a story, that was the complete reversal of my experience, was published in the paper: muslim women at a local hospital had been harassed by local youths on the grounds of a public hospital, and any muslims who had been similarly subjected to racist behaviour were encouraged to contact the police. I came to the conclusion that Fairfax could not be trusted as a source of the truth. Not only that, but IMO, they were placing woman in danger by not advising them of the truth.

    • Jody says:

      I can relate to your experience of censorship on SMH. Many of the comments I submit online never see the light of day; for example, the earlier one I made on this same page about Waleed (“The Project” LOL) Aly!!

      Do read what Tanvir Ahmed has to say in “The Spectator” about Muslims!!

      • jenkins says:

        Thank you Jody

      • Jack Richards says:

        It’s pointless submitting a comment to the SMH as they (mostly) only publish what is “politically correct”. There is a regular commenter named Ross of Mallabula who is well to the left of Lenin and is a bare-faced liar. He claims to be a Doctor practicing somewhere in the Port Stephens area – but spends all day every day penning Marxist rubbish in the comments section of every story that takes comments. About a year ago, around the time of the #Illridewithyou fraud he claimed that he had witnessed a “racist” attack. The story went that he was at a petrol station when a demure young Muslim lady, wearing a fashionable hijab a la Susan Cartland, was insulted, threatened, and pushed around by the ubiquitous tattooed and toothless “white racists” when she filled up her car. Ross, being a great hero, stepped in and comforted the woman, despite the danger to himself from these ignorant brutes, while the Police were called. By the time the Police got there, the cowardly white racists had skedaddled but the Police took the poor, vulnerable Muslim woman’s statement and accessed the CCTV recording of this overt and ugly “racist incident”.

        For some reason, on that day the SMH either didn’t have a moderator or had a new one who didn’t realise that all comments not worthy of Lenin and Trotsky are routinely rejected. In any event, Dr Ross claimed this event had happened at Port Stephens and that the local fascist media had failed to report it for the obvious reasons.

        I smelled a rat – a big reeking dead one. I rang every petrol station within a 100km radius of where Dr Ross claimed the incident, including his own under-stated bravery, had occurred. None of the servos had had such an incident at their outlet and had not heard of one at any other place. I then rang the local police who said they had no knowledge of any such incident. I then rang the Police area command giving the alleged date and time and they told me no such incident had been reported and no cars has been despatched to investigate any such complaint. I also rang the local newspapers who, again, denied any knowledge of any such incident occurring.

        Early that afternoon I submitted a comment outlining my research and accusing Dr ROSS – MALLABULA of being a bare-faced liar and slanderer. Astonishingly, it was published! Later that afternoon all my comments disappeared – but his did not. After that I seem to have been put on some “black-list” and regularly had over 90% of my comments (that strictly adhered to the SMH’s “Publication Guidelines”) rejected

        If you ever read the SMH look for any articles to do with boat-people, illegal immigration, refugees, asylum-seekers, Muslim threats and violence, and you’re sure to find ROSS-MALLABULA lying like an eye-witness just as he did about his heroic intervention to save a terrified Muslim woman from a gang of white racists direct from “Mississippi Burning”.

        I think it was George Orwell who once opined that, in a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. How true that observation was and is.

  • No one is under more threat than Geert Wilders the Dutch Politician soon to speak is Australia. His superb scholarly book is entitled

    ‘Marked for Death – Islam’s War Against the West and Me’. The book is complete with notes and detailed reference to source material.

    Mark Steyn says of Wilders: ‘He is under round-the-clock guard because of explicit threats to murder him by Muslim extremists’.

    It all makes one want to hear what Wilders has to say.

  • Geert Wilder’s is one of the handful of politicians who dare speak the truth about Islam, in fact is the only who enjoys considerable popularity in his own country despite his open and frank criticism of Islam. In most other cases such frankness is met with open hostility not only from Muslims but from other politicians, joirnalists and commentators, accusing them with bigotry, islamophobia, xenophobia and every other phobia yet to be defined. When Wilder’s last visited Australia I wrote to premier Barnet of WA, objecting to his much publicised stance that Wilders was not welcome in his state because he was decisive and insulting to certain minorities. He was good enough to respond but unfortunately his letter comprised entirely of trite platitudes, particularly about multiculturalism. At the time the organisers were set back by one venue cancellation after another, not so much out of respect but fear of Muslims. The only son of this brave man is that he is determined to protect the culture and heritage of his nation from Islamic barbarism. The party he will launch in Australia, the Australian Liberty Alliance, has the same purpose high on its agenda. Let’s hope it will be successful, otherwise we will be done for. Recent and current events should provide a helpful ambiance for such a party.

    One other point. The tone of the threat to Andrew Bolton is an excellent indicator of the bankrupt low-life we arefacing. What fantastic vocabularity!

  • Jack Richards says:

    Here’s another great example of twisting things Fairfax Style:


    According to Sean Nicholls it is now appropriate for the NSW Premier to clear proposed legislation with Muslim “Community Leaders” and keep them abreast of developments before making any announcement to the general NSW citizenry.

    But how’s this for blaming the victims:

    “It’s a line he has used repeatedly and has rightly been praised for by authorities and community leaders only too aware of the vulnerability of the Muslim community after such an event.

    Instead of bowing to narrow-minded, reactionary voices seeking to whip up a bit of religious hatred, Baird issued a call for unity and calm while condemning what had occurred.”

    So: it’s the Muslim community that is “vulnerable” after an “event”

    Such an “event” draws out the “narrow-minded” the “reactionary” who want to whip up “religious hatred”.

    Geezuss Wept!

    Do they really believe such utter crap? Are they that stupid, that blinded by ideology?

    • jenkins says:

      I have thought about it alot, this favoritism from the media, police, politicians. Maybe they are scared? Maybe they are in denial and have their heads planted firmly in the sand. Maybe there is blackmail involved. Maybe this is some kind of cultural war because they hate “bogans” and Howard’s “aspirationals” in the West. Maybe they are scapegoating normal Australians, offering them up as sacirifices to absolve themselves. Maybe they come from working class backgrounds and are secretly ashamed. Maybe they are currying favour with politicians for their own advancement. Maybe oil supply contracts depend on Arab exceptionalism. I wish I knew.

      • All of the above, jenkins, and then some.

        It seems that we have to humbly seek the permission of “the Muslim community” to be pissed off about their attitude and behaviour, also for wishing to protect ourselves. That is what multiculturalism is all about. Get it, you ignorant bigots?

  • Ian Flanagan says:

    I wonder what Niño Culotta would think about us now.

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