PC’s Rejection Is In The Cards

cards gameIt was in the Kimberly ten-or-so years ago, a couple of kilometres removed from a drill rig I had left at dusk to drive into Derby and drink homemade rum with my friend, Froggy. The wet season was on the verge of breaking. There were low, dark clouds and lightning was playing on the ranges in the distance. Suddenly, in the pleasant gloom, there was a light on the road ahead.  I stopped beside it. It was a workman’s Dolphin-type torch with some grease smears on it and turned on, with the light shining in the direction I was driving.

This was a sign from God, obviously, with the message “Your path is righteous.” How else to explain the torch, which must have fallen out of a utility, landed on the ground without breaking, turned itself on in the shock of the landing, and pointed exactly in the direction I was going? The chance of that happening by itself would be infinitesimal. By elimination, the only other explanation was that it was a sign from God. That torch was the modern version of the Burning Bush – giving off light but not being consumed. Much pleased with this silent blessing, I picked it up, turned it off and put it on the seat beside me.

Two hundred metres further along,  my headlights revealed a figure walking towards the rig site. It was a campie, a woman in her mid-twenties employed to cook and clean in the rig camp. I stopped and asked if she was OK. She answered in the affirmative and I then asked if she had left a torch on the road. She had, she said, saying that she had left it on in order to be able to find it again in the dark. I said, “you might be needing this” and gave her back the torch. So my communication with God had a human interlocutor, an interlocutor who was horribly profligate and too lazy to carry her guiding light. So much for the spawn of the Boomers treading lightly on the earth. The chemical energy in the battery of that Dolphin torch would have been one of the most expensive power sources on the planet.

By contrast, the children of a former work colleague nicknamed him “The Prince of Darkness” because he would turn off the light as he left a room, being conditioned to do so during his own upbringing.  My colleague had never suffered the sort of privation his parents had endured, and his children probably never will either.  We live in the best of times.  Food, for example, is now the cheapest it has been in the history of humanity.  Just when it looked like peak oil was kicking in, the US shale oil boom came along and gave us another ten to twenty years to get our house in order, energy-wise.  The outrages caused by Islamic State and its friends are nothing compared to the death rates of the civil wars of the 1970s in East Pakistan and Cambodia.  This is the best of times, but further improvement is possible.

We can, for example, avoid Islamic outrages by not having anything to do with Muslims.  The world is stumbling towards that solution in the form of Donald Trump’s call for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.  In the Republican presidential contender’s words, “We’re gonna have to figure it out: we can’t live like this. It’s going to get worse and worse, we’re going to have more World Trade Centers. It’s going to get worse and worse, folks. We can be politically correct and we can be stupid, but it’s going to be worse and worse.”  Mr Trump is aware that his advice in this instance is “probably not politically correct”. Yet that advice would be more palatable to the American public than President Obama’s acceptance of a tolerable level of terrorism.

For all his dubious qualities, Mr Trump is more in tune with the zeitgeist than any opponent for the GOP’s presidential nomination, which brings to mind a game, Cards Against Humanity (“a party game for horrible people”) created in 2010. It is quite popular with youngsters despite, or because, it is politically incorrect, thus allowing them to be normal.  The game would not be popular if it wasn’t filling a need. If that narrative has to be in the form of a card game, so be it. It has been estimated that Cards Against Humanity has earned its makers US$12 million in profit.  Doing good can come with earthly rewards.

David Archibald’s recent book is Australia’s Defence (Connor Court).

18 thoughts on “PC’s Rejection Is In The Cards

  • Donald Trump certainly is one of only a handful of politicians in the world – and certainly the most prominent one – who is prepared to confront the peril of Islam head on. His stance is commendable and most welcome. Yet, the fact that this vital cause is left to be championed by such a bombastic, conceited and abrasive non-politician is an ominous sign. There is increasing indication, particularly in Europe, that the refusal of most mainstream politicians to face up to the danger of Islam to western culture is spawning popular movements as a reaction and such movements are often infiltrated, often dominated, by unsavoury elements. When established, “respectable” politicians refuse to rise to the challenge, an empty space is created in society that is likely to be filled by extremists, as was the case in Germany following the Great War.

    • wse999 says:

      This anti Muslim campaign by many on the Right is dangerous, paranoid and deluded.
      Like it’s WW3 out there, like it’s some relentless infectious pathology, some jihadist juggernaut.
      Just like the problem with the Soviets wasn’t the people but its rulers.
      A huge part of the problem has been Western intervention in MidEast, esp since collapse of Ottoman Empire, the imposition of arbitrary Western imperial borders, the Balfour Declaration (for better or worse), and especially in recent times the 2003 and 2011 military interventions, which have been disastrous.
      End of the day most Muslims want the quiet life too, work and family, do not want fanatics running their lives.
      So I also think Merkel’s right. That a million youngish enterprising immigrants might be just a great opportunity for 80m strong ageing Germany.
      Even a million Muslims.
      I think it’s far more likely that as they settle in they will find far more attractions in affluent Western civilisation than in a new caliphate.

      • You seem to have badly misunderstood my comment above. No, Merkel is most definitely not right, nor is the notion that the migrants invading Germany and other west European countries will bolster the working population of those nations. According to recent and current statistics, an overwhelming proportion of such migrants live on welfare for most of their lives, besides the fact that many among them are committed to violent jihad against the unbelievers. The concern I expressed is not over resistance against the likelihood of an Islamic takeover of Europe. Such resistance is vital. The danger is that when established political leaders refuse to lead that resistance, the groups that rise to take up the challenge are likely to be infiltrated, even dominated, by hot headed extremists.

        As to the majority of Muslims, they certainly are not all extremists, nevertheless, they all believe that theirs is the only true faith, that it is absolutely perfect and divinely destined to rule the world, all of which also means that Muslims are infinitely superior to the un-clean kuffars. Make no mistake about that. It is unbelievably idiotic to expect that people with such warped attitude could be a benefit to any host country.

        • Jody says:

          Now we have the unedifying spectacle of German men assaulting women in Cologne on New Year’s Eve. The authorities and police have been frantically attempting to cover up this fact, but the refugee population which has now been granted residency and German citizenship is repaying the people with this. And they are now German men!! We must describe them this way – they’d want us to, otherwise it’s straight racism selecting them on the basis of ethnicity prior to their citizenship. And German men are now behaving very badly indeed. Not good for the national reputation, I’d have thought.

          • Geoffrey Luck says:

            I don’t understand Jody’s insistence on defining these muslim hooligans as German Men (in caps). They have been given residence permits, not citizenship. Like the Turkish guest workers of four decades ago, they may never acquire citizenship.

      • acarroll says:

        So you’re saying that this mob of immigrant chancers will do better than the previous 3 generations who failed to integrate, even though their numbers were much smaller? Maybe, but where’s your precedent? The opposite evidence is manifest.

        Heard about the 1000 recent Arabic speaking immigrants who were involved in the serious sexual assault of upwards of 80 women on New Years Eve in Cologne? I guess you could say that’s enterprising behaviour.

        The attractions of their native cultures win in the end, as we’ve seen and as you see anywhere you go in Western Europe. Their numbers now are so great there’s zero reason to engage with the subverted native culture.

        Islam is not interested in materialism and sensuality unless it is thieving it from the infidel men and women either through direct force (robbery, rape) or jizyya tax.

      • PT says:

        Unbelievable ignorance and wishful thinking WSE999. There is no Kremlin in charge of the world’s Muslims. ISIS is attempting to recreate the Caliphate, but that depends upon Muslims recognising them as such. It isn’t the Societ Union, where Russian and Communist were not necessarily the same.

        I’m getting sick of this “colonialist” waffle too. Firstly, you’re only thinking of the Arab Middle East. Secondly, for all the talk about Arab unity and brotherhood, there are real regional differences in the Arab World. This is why the many proposals for uniting various Arab territories have failed. Even Nasser couldn’t pull off the Union of Egypt and Syria.

        As for immigration. Bill Martin points out the obvious flaws. If you bring in 10,000 outsiders, they will ultimately assimilate, a couple of million will form a separate community. And that’s increasingly happening. Unemployment is comparatively high in Germany. If these immigrants, and particularly their children, can’t get jobs, or predominantly get lower paying ones, do you think they’ll look to trying to match German levels of education and thinking themselves German, or just claim discrimination – something backed by loads of NGOs, social workers etc?

    • Roy Edmunds says:

      I think Trump is just articulating what the average person thinks.

      I think Trump has it right.

      The New World Order, which is our team, has the world in the grip of The Greater Depression.

      The West has a history of deception, intrigue and violence toward the Arab peoples.

      Sykes Picot is historically relevant to these peoples.

      The West is in decline.

      The West has lost its way and is moving toward collapse and the Islamic leaders are
      aware of this and believe it is their time.

      The West has to come up with some urgent reform or pay the price.

      The exponential hour of change approaches.

      I hate to be on the losing team, but frankly my team stinks. We had better come up with a better
      idea soon or we are finished….Trump however may be like JFK….tilt against the Wests global Money Power and you will feel the push back….his biggest enemies are from within his own party.

  • ian.macdougall says:

    Trump made his millions out of real estate, which might just have involved the odd bit of speculation.
    If he should ever win the GOP nomination and go on to become President, a lot of Americans just to play it safe might want to head for Patagonia and resettle there, just in case the US should finish up in a Trumphant nuclear war with the Russians, Chinese, Pakistanis, Iranians… you name it.
    And when they got there, who would they find had the best real estate sewn up, but available for resale at a price?
    *(Not to be confused with the DTs.)

    • 8457 says:

      You have assumed the Iranians will have nuclear weapons. Hasnt the First Golfer got a deal to prevent that?

    • acarroll says:

      Ian, I must assume that you think Trump is a liar and will be just another President captive to powerful domestic and foreign lobby groups who require perpetual chaos and war in the middle east and Ukraine and the return of Russia to its Yeltsin days (i.e. ransacked of its wealth and natural resources).

      Trump is the only presidential candidate who has stated that he does not want war with Russia, doesn’t see any point in having Russia as an enemy and indeed wants Russia as a friend.

      Hillary Clinton on the other hand wants to go to war with Russia over their bombing of moderate terrorists that the US government has been supporting over the past 3 or so years.

      Trump is far from perfect and his character does send alarm bells but look at the alternatives? All of them are paid for by the likes of Sheldon Adelson, Richard Roberts, Norman Bramans, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Irwin Jacobs, …

      Seeing a pattern here?

      Trump is the only wild card in the race. If he wins the GOP nomination and continues to push for things along the lines of what he’s already expressed he’ll do, I expect there to be an attempt on his life.

      No Trump and it’s business as usual.

    • PT says:

      Hilarious stuff Ian! I tend to see Trump as a blowhard. But to claim he’ll start all these nuclear wars is pure nonsense.

  • ian.macdougall says:

    PT: North Korea has just today apparently detonated an H-bomb. I await ‘Blowhard’ Trump’s response to that, delivered from whichever tier he chooses in the grandstand.

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