Celebrate Quadrant’s Six Decades

Quadrant Magazine: The Future of Civilisation

qIIThis year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of Quadrant magazine in 1956. To celebrate this historic occasion, I am pleased to invite you to what we believe will be one of the best events of the year, a dinner and conference at the Museum of Contemporary Art at Circular Quay, Sydney.

We have a distinguished group of international speakers coming, including Daniel Johnson, Editor of Standpoint magazine, London; David Pryce-Jones, British author and Senior Editor at National Review, New York; James Bennett, American author of The Anglosphere Challenge; and Geza Jeszenszky, former Foreign Minister in the first post-Communist government of Hungary.

At a time when civilisation and its values are under assault in all quarters of the globe, our conference theme, The Future of Civilisation, ensures the evening will pose some bracing intellectual challenges for those who attend.

But we will also ensure the function itself is a very civilised affair. There will be drinks and canapés on the Museum’s terrace at Circular Quay starting at 5.30pm, followed by a three-course dinner in the Museum’s Foundation Hall, and addresses by our four guest speakers.

There are a fixed number of places for this event and advance bookings are essential. Priority for bookings is first come, first served.

I do hope you can join us for this celebration. Here are the details:

Date and time: Sunday, 18 September 2016. Drinks on the Terrace at 5.30, followed by dinner and conference addresses from 6.30pm onwards. The function concludes at 10pm.

Dress: Lounge suit.

Limited seats at $340 per person; corporate tables of eight, $2720

Payment: By cheque: Make cheques payable to Quadrant, and send to Quadrant Magazine, Locked Bag 1235, North Melbourne VIC 3051. By credit card: You can email, phone or fax credit card details – card brand, card number, name on card, expiry date, plus (important) your own phone number, but sorry no Amex – to [email protected], Phone (03) 8317 8147, Fax (03) 9320 9065


Yours sincerely,

Keith Windschuttle

6 thoughts on “Celebrate Quadrant’s Six Decades

  • Andrew Griffiths says:

    If I have to ask how much is a ticket it means that I cannot afford the dinner,but here goes: How much is a ticket?

  • Because I expect to be in Europe on the nominated day, I am unable to apply for a ticket as I would certainly have done were I to be in Sydney instead.
    May I use this forum as a vehicle for offering heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of this splendid anniversary? Australian public discourse and Australian letters, alike, would be immeasurably poorer without the incisive and fearless input of Quadrant.
    Ad multos annos.

  • johnhenry says:

    I’m so happy to have discovered your magazine. Have only been on a plane 8 times in 66 years; and your 60th anniversary won’t be the 9th; but I’m sending a $$$gift in honour of your contribution to civilization.

    • johnhenry says:

      A bit sad I am that you don’t offer a “Donate” option on your website. I looked for one, and not finding it, I decided to simply renew my subscription even though my current one doesn’t expire until March, 2017; but this led to my subscription being renewed until August, 2017 instead of March, 2018. Strines are such a hoot, but God loves you!

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