The Maoist Malady Lingers On

mao headphonesSydney’s mayor, Clover Moore, and her Melbourne counterpart, Robert Doyle, are being petitioned about September town hall concerts next month to honor the late Mao Zedong. China’s late leader, perhaps the greatest mass murderer since Ghengis Khan, will be so honoured to mark the 40th anniversary of his death on September 9, 1976.

The concerts’ promotional material says that Mao led China’s democratic revolution  and brought 76 years of peace and development to his nation, recovering its international status as a great country: “The concert will commemorate the great leader, as well as (inspire us) to further glorify the Chinese spirit, and expand our dreams. It will illustrate Mao Zedong’s humanitarian personality.”

The two cities’ councils each insist they are doing no more than hiring out their town halls, which they swear are available to all comers. If people don’t like them being used for Mao-worship, they can just suck it up.[i]

The Mao concerts are sponsored by developer Peter Zhu, who came to Australia from China in 1989. He would doubtless argue that Mao was truly loved by his subjects, as proved by contemporary records from the Chinese media. I have a sample from China Reconstructs, published somewhere around October, 1968, which certainly suggests that all criticism of Mao is misplaced.

The first-hand report is by Mr Liu Jun-Hua, a layman who enabled a deaf-mute boy not only to hear but to  shout, “Long live Chairman Mao!” The full story is heart-warming. Mr Liu was leading a village in the singing of a Chairman Mao quotation set to music when he noticed a 14-year-old boy staring straight ahead without opening his mouth.

“The meeting started and everybody was talking enthusiastically about what they had learned in studying Chairman Mao’s works. But I just couldn’t get this boy out of my mind. How he must feel!  How he must long to sing Chairman Mao’s quotations and cheer, ‘Long live Chairman Mao!’ with everyone else!”

Mr Liu was determined to cure the unfortunate lad. The chief problem was that he didn’t know anything about deafness. So he turned to a relevant “thought” of Chairman Mao for inspiration, and discovered thereby, “We can learn what we did not know.”

He rushed off to the doctors who did acupuncture. He found there was a tiny spot in the ear worth jabbing, but it could only be found by trial and error. But deaf-mutes wouldn’t be able to tell him he’d found the right spot. It looked like he’d have to experiment on his own ear. That would hurt!

“Did I have the proletarian feelings to undergo all this for my class brother? This was a test for me,” Mr Liu wrote. Gritting his teeth, he got a friendly comrade to wield the needle.

“I felt a sharp pain, my head seemed to burn like fire, and I broke into a sweat. He chose another point, and a third, without success. By then I was in such pain that everything was going dark  before my eyes. I knew my body couldn’t take it much longer, so I stopped.”

He arranged another jabbing session next day, and the next, but his hearing seemed unaffected and his ear was getting mighty sore. Should he give up? Did he have the ear-marks of a quitter? But then he thought of that deaf boy, staring straight ahead while all the swingers at the commune were crooning numbers such as Sailing the Seas Depends on the Helmsman. The lyrics of Helmsman go,

Fish can’t leave the water,
Nor melons leave the vines.
The revolutionary masses can’t do without the Communist Party.
Mao Zedong Thought is the sun that forever shines.

Alas, those few lines don’t convey the loving gusto with which the communards toom up their hymn to the Helmsman. The clip below might better convey their adoration.

But back to the story of Mr Lui’s unique approach to Mao-inspired medical research. Thirty more ear-raids followed, until poor Mr Liu’s ear was looking like a cheese grater. Then…

“A comrade stuck in the needle. I felt a sudden numbness, a sharp tingling, an ache and a swelling sensation. I had found the right point. I was so happy, I forgot all the pain of the tests completely.”

He seized the deaf boy, Chiang Pao-chuan, by the ear and without hesitation got in four jabs.

“A smile suddenly lit up his face as I put my watch beside his ear. He gestured happily – he could hear for the first time!”

The reader will now be inclined to sit back, bathed in a warm glow and imbued with hope for the betterment of all mankind. But this is premature. Worse agonies are in store. To make a newly-cured deaf person speak, you have to also jab at the right spot in his neck.

“If the needle is not administered correctly, or if it goes a fraction of an inch too deep, it could kill a person. Faced with this, I suddenly thought of the rotten revisionist philosophy of China’s Khruschev – ‘Save your own skin, think only of your own life’.[ii] But Chairman Mao’s words broke through: ‘Whereever there is struggle there is sacrifice, and death is a common occurrence’.

If I were in Mr Liu’s shoes, I’d settle for the rotten revisionist philosophy of China’s Khrushchev, and lay down the needle while my neck was still whole, even at the expense of being labeled “Melbourne’s Khrushchev”. But back to the story as Mr Liu experiments on his own neck…

“The needle in one hand, feeling for the right acupuncture point with the other, I inserted the sharp point. I kept pushing it slowly. Nothing happened at the ‘danger’ point. I pushed it deeper and deeper. All the while, I kept repeating to myself Chairman Mao’s quotation: ‘Be resolute, fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win victory’.  I administered the needle two more times at the back of my neck.”

Mr Liu spares us an account of his agonies on these occasions. Enough that his self-experiment succeeded and then he needle-necked the 14-year-old mute. Here’s the climax of Mr Liu’s tale:

Chiang Pao-chuan looked up one day at the portrait of Chairman Mao on the wall and with a thumbs-up gesture, cried, ‘Long live Chairman Mao!’ Peasants and other patients all crowded around, tears of joy in their eyes. An elderly woman exclaimed, ‘I’ve lived for over sixty years but I’ve never heard of a deaf-mute being able to speak! It is our beloved Chairman Mao who has given such happiness! Only an army led by Chairman Mao could serve us former poor and lower-middle peasants so whole-heartedly!”

But a terrible thought strikes me. What if young Chiang Pao-chuan was merely feigning deafness to get out of singing Our Hope is Placed on You and other catchy Maoist anthems? In that case, would his famous ‘thumbs-up gesture’ to the portrait on the wall have been a complimentary one? If so, and were he to have found his way in the interim to Sydney or Melbourne, we can only imagine the curses and imprecations he will be carolling with other disgusted protesters outside those town hall galas.

Tony Thomas’s new book That’s Debatable – 60 Years in Print, is available here

[i] Strange, but when Dutch anti-Islamic politician Geert Wilders came to Australia in 2013 and 2015 for  speaking tours – Wilders himself being long subject to Islamist death fatwas – councils and state governments fell over themselves to deny him civic halls for meetings. In Melbourne he was able to speak in 2013 only at the privately-owned Mirage Reception Centre at Somerton, 30km north of the city.

[ii]Liu Shao-chi, the Number 1 capitalist reader in China until he was yanked down from his throne during the great storms of the Cultural Revolution. Saboteur of socialist revolution and socialist construction. Mortal enemy of Chairman Mao Tsetung and everything he stood for and fought for.”

11 thoughts on “The Maoist Malady Lingers On

  • Jody says:

    Moore doesn’t wear a dog collar for nothing!!

  • Duplicity is a well established trademark of the left and it is vividly brandished on this occasion.

  • Rob Brighton says:

    He is a much-loved figure in China, just last week I was attending yet another banquet (where the remaining food is divvied up between the guests to take home to their families, which only happens when one is upcountry these days) when I noted that the local member of the national people’s congress had the chairman as his lock screen on his phone.

    You have all seen the image, the chairman looking up and east with the “who farted” expression on his face.

    Deference paid to the local authority I shlepped back to my tempory home in wonder at the levels of self-delusion humans will embrace when politics is in the offing.

  • padraic says:

    What a touching story. It brought a tear to my eye. Another case of bovine waste material baffling brains.

  • Jody says:

    Speaking about bovine lefties and their admiration for Maoist inspired loss of freedom of speech….did anybody see Brendan O’Neill last night on Q&A? I had to force myself to watch and I could feel myself wanting to vomit, but I was thrilled to see Brendan walk all over the vile Corinne Grant. After he’d demolished her arguments all she could resort to was personal abuse!! He sat quietly, on message, and didn’t flinch. Oh, it was beautiful to see a woman resort to abuse because she couldn’t sustain any kind of argument. He resorted to NO PERSONAL ABUSE.

    • padraic says:

      Yes Jody. I watched it, after watching 4 Corners. 4 Corners reminded me of the Chinese approach to hammering their population into submission outlined in the above article. It was pure propaganda, very contrived and cynical. It reminded me of a modern version of “Little Red Riding Hood” or “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”. I have also noticed that there is a connection between the subject matter in 4 Corners and Q&A. 4 Corners softens us up and then it is immediately discussed in the following Q&A. The flavour of the month is illegal migrants in detention. The pressure from the ABC and Fairfax on this issue is incredible and unrelenting. The reason for that is that Australia’s approach to illegal migration is being looked at by other countries and the ‘progressives’ in those countries have teamed up with our pathetics to overturn our policy.

    • ArthurB says:

      I also watched Q&A last night, and was impressed with Brendan O’Neill, though I was surprised when he said that there was too much ABC-bashing. He is so articulate, engages in debate in a polite manner, and respects his opponents’ opinion – unlike Catherine King and Corinne Grant, who were rude, sarcastic and dismissive of those who hold non-PC views on same-sex marriage and asylum seekers (or illegal immigrants, as they should be described).

      I was less than impressed (again) with Tony Jones, who subjected Mitch Fifield to a relentless barrage of gotcha and loaded questions.

      • Jody says:

        I wanted Mitch to grow some balls and stand up to all of them! The person who wants to be all things to all people turns out to have no convictions of his/her own. A sorry indictment of our age, but I guess fear and repression does that to you.

        • Jody says:

          Oh, and BTW, another impressive man in the room last week at the IPA function was Senator Leyonhjelm!! Very impressive indeed. He’s a Vet, apparently, but he is fearless. Watch this space.

  • Fleetfox says:

    Forced myself to watch Q&A last night too to see how they would treat Brendan O’Neill. He stood his ground, unwavering, as I expected he would. I’m great admirer of Brendan O’Neill. Thank goodness the younger generation have people like him. Corinne Grant is a gigglier version of Gillard. Same colour coat, just as vindictive and single-minded, no ability to argue sensibly, quickly resorting to ridicule and personal abuse. We can see through people like her, but the ‘pathetics'(per padraic) love it and are gathering strength I fear.

    • Jody says:

      Ditto. I had to laugh about Brendan’s comments about the ABC because he was making jokes on Tuesday night about Q&A and Tony Jones and his propensity to talk over and interrupt. I feel he was playing to the crowd on Q&A with his comments!! Whilst not always in agreement with Brendan (who admits to being a marxist – ‘the early marxism’..rather like ‘the early Beatles’ as he joked!) it’s great to have a fearless and articulate advocate for freedom of speech who won’t be cowed by the politically correct crowd of unthinking Maoists and Bolsheviks. And Brendan can be expected to keep up his campaign indefinitely.

      (This afternoon it’s raining on the south coast and we’re watching my DVD of “Irma la Douce”. The wonderful Billy Wilder and his writer Izzy Diamond and Producer Doane Harrison would never have survived the PC era. I wonder what they’d think of it if they were here today; a PC which would not tolerate the endless jokes about relations between the sexes – from “Ninotchka” right through to “Some Like It Hot”. It’s a warm and funny reminder that once upon a time Americans had a sense of humour, thanks to WW2 European emigres like Wilder, Lubitsch and other phenomenal talents – all of whom absolutely loved women!!)

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