The Reserve Bank of Aboriginalia

One of the more aggravating things about the Voice campaign was the corporate partisanship encountered in places and from sources that really should have bitten their tongues. Take Coles, for instance, which has a branch in Melbourne’s western suburbs — and no doubt other locations as well — where the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags were on proud display atop the hulking great grey bulk of the Fort Knox-style cigarette cabinet. 

When the checkout individual (one dare not use “chick” in these sensitive times) was quizzed why the Australian flag was not up there to make it a threesome, the lass replied that those on display are “the original Australian flags”. As she was no more than 17, such sorry ignorance can be attributed to schools and teachers who have spurned worthwhile history lessons to fill her young mind with mush.

What is to said, though, for the Reserve Bank’s newly installed Governor Michele Bullock, who might well wear her heart on her sleeve for the nation whose economy it is her job to jolly along, but favoured for her lapel the Coles two-flag standard when making a first appearance before Senate estimates (as pictured and circled above).

The absence of Australia’s national flag tickled the interest of Quadrant reader Jonathan Morris, who dashed off a quick query to the RBA public relations office. It is reproduced below:

From: Jonathan Morris
Sent: Friday, 27 October 2023 12:19 PM
To: RBAInfo
Subject: Reserve Bank Governor at Senate Estimates

I observed the RBA Governor, Michele Bullock, attending the Senate Committee yesterday. I noticed the Governor was wearing a lapel badge which displayed the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags, but no Australian flag. Why was the Governor not wearing a lapel badge that displayed all three flags? What message was the Governor attempting to convey by wearing a lapel badge that only displayed the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags? Is the Governor ashamed to wear a lapel badge which features the Australian flag?

Jonathan Morris.

Mere hours later, the RBA’s communications unit replied (emphasis added):

From: RBAInfo
To: Jonathan Morris <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, 27 October 2023 at 03:56:04 pm AEDT
Subject: RE: Reserve Bank Governor at Senate Estimates

Dear Mr Morris
Thank you for your email on the Governor’s lapel badge.  She is a proud Australian who would be honoured to wear a lapel badge with the Australian flag.  She is also a great supporter of diversity and inclusion, and was given this badge by one of our first nations employees.  It was with this recent gesture in mind that she wore the badge. Going forward, we’ll give some more thought as to what to wear for different circumstances.

Kind regards
Communications Division
Reserve Bank of Australia

One doesn’t like to get a dedicated public servant into trouble, but Ms Stacey is clearly in error for failing to upper-case ‘First Nations’. Let us hope for her sake that the gent who garlanded Ms Bullock’s blazer doesn’t learn about this, er, capital offence. Who knows what complaints might be filed with the HR department, diversity trainers, equity overseers and whichever indigenous incendiarist the RBA uses for its smoking ceremonies?

Comments are open and subscribers are invited to share their thoughts.

28 thoughts on “The Reserve Bank of Aboriginalia

  • Paul W says:

    So if she was given the Saudi flag she would wear that ?

  • March says:

    Poor sod on a salary of just $1,147,465 and can’t afford a genuine Australian flag lapel pin. I’ll send a bag full through for all the staff.

  • March says:

    PS with many “public servants” now on a 7 figure salary I think a Cap is in order. If capped at 80% of the PM’s wage I’m willing to bet we would see no negative impact on performance.

  • Ian MacDougall says:

    One suggestion: index her salary (negatively gear?) to the inflation rate, so the higher the latter, the smaller the former.
    Hope this helps.

  • Ceres says:

    Very observant of Jonathan Morris to notice the virtue signalling badge of the influential Michelle Bullock. All things aboriginal had just been given a resounding no in the controversial referendum and so it’s very poor judgement appearing to pander to any individual pushing their barrow. Her position entails remaining publically impartial at all times. She’s already nailed her colours to the mast in my view and sounds like she’ll be an ALP mouthpiece.

  • Peter Dare says:

    Roger, I think that Stacy was quite correct in failing to use upper case letters for ‘first nations’. The term is one of utter irrelevancy for the early disperate Aboriginal tribes wandering the country – none of them with a written language, speaking in their own tongues and the only thing common to all of them was an urge to fight with one another. Such things do not make a nation – let alone many of them.

  • pmprociv says:

    Wow, “the original Australian flags”! If that’s a sign of the mush that’s now taught in schools, it’s time we had some real truth-telling.

    But if it’s also a sign that the Reserve Bank will be resorting to a practice of economics according to First Mobs’ notions, founded solidly on cargo-cultist principles, we’re in for troubling times, even without The Voice.

    • renny says:

      You should visit an early childcare center in Victoria. Looking to place my 3 year old last year I visited 10 centres. The pro-aboriginal theme is dominant. At one centre there was a theme in each year room. The first was ‘Sorry Day’, the second was ‘Invasion Day’ and in the third they were painting aboriginal flags. A childcare centre must comply with the teaching requirements in Victoria or not get State funding.

  • call it out says:

    Most of our schools are laying foundations of ignorance and stupidity with their lack of knowledge of history, and their shallow woke nonsense. Teachers have among the lowest of uni entrance scores, and, boy, does it show.

  • Alistair says:

    One hopes that the Reserve Bank is “listening to” the advice given to her from her Indigenous (capital I out of respect for our First Nations) workforce, in spite of their lack of an official “Voice” (another capital out of respect. Also, in spite of what some skeptical people might think, I can’t see how their advice would be any worse for australia (note – intentional lower case “a”) than what they receive from the IMF, World Bank, Bank of International Settlements, or indeed the WEF itself. (more capitals out of resect)
    An interesting article all round, but I was more concerned about your initial anecdote about that checkout Lassie. (capital L out of resect). The whole article seems to re-enforce my thesis that our Politicians, Bureaucrats and overall Betters (more capitals out of respect) believe that australia was not founded legitimately (and therefore is not entitled to a capital “a”)


    As a private citizen, MS Bullock is entitled to wear whatever lapel pins she wishes to adorn herself. However she was representing The Reserve Bank, a Federal Government of Australia institution which governs Australian financial dealings. As such, the correct attitude whilst representing that public office, is of non-partisanship.

  • cbattle1 says:

    It may well be too late, but maybe we should emulate a reverence for the national flag as is done in the United States of America, where they have laws defining, protecting and regulating the display of their national flag? For instance, in the USA, school students stand up every morning in their classrooms, face the National Flag with hand on heart, and recite the “Pledge of Allegiance”. The equivalent in Australia is to acknowledge the traditional first nation owners of the land the school is built on!
    The situation here of displaying flags of “nations” other than Australia, with equal status, looks like a failure of “Operation Sovereign Borders”. And the Greens have even gone so far as to omit the Australian national flag altogether in the backdrop of their virtue-signalling media announcements! Then we have people like Senator Lidia Thorpe that openly defame Australia, and in her case, communicating to the Parliament that she does not acknowledge the legitimacy of the Australian nation!
    If history is taught based on facts, students would learn that there was not a single Aboriginal flag in sight when the Union Jack was raised at Sydney Cove on January 26th 1788, nor was their any Aboriginal flag in existence on this continent until well after Federation.

    • Sandra Worrall-Hart says:

      In Australia in the 50s and early 60s, at least in Victoria from personal experience, during Monday morning assembly the Australian flag was ritually raised and we would, hands on hearts and facing the flag, recite an allegiance. I cannot remember the words, alas. We cannot respect other cultures unless we first respect our own.

  • cbattle1 says:

    Oops, I used the word “their” instead of “there”.

  • Paul.Harrison says:

    This virtue signalling appalls me. My take on the National Flag, and I will include the National Anthem and the rules of succession. is that there must only be one of each so as not to confuse the army assembled. I believe it worked like this. The Sovereign and the National Flag both had very important roles when they were in the midst of the battle. The King fought alongside the National Flag and it never left that position of honour, and he led the army from the front, where both the Sovereign and the Flag could be observed. The Flag, not the Sovereign, represented the very essence of the nation and it was to be defended to the death. There must be only one flag. Here’s where the National Anthem has a most important role. Have you ever wondered about why they sound as they do? The Anthem is designed to cut through the noise of battle in order to alert the army, particularly the Knights, that the Nation’s Flag was in peril and therefore the King also, and to muster the troops at once in the defence of the flag.. What benefits the Scottish Pipes provided I leave to you to assess, but they were the bravest of the brave, with no weapon but his pipes. An important point to make here concerns the practice of Hereditary Succession to the Throne for the English Sovereign. If the King dies in battle then his first born son, fighting at his side, immediately takes the position of the King to continue leading the battle. In the din of battle it is a little difficult to stop and converse, vote on the successor and go back to whatever is left of the battle while they were occupied naming a new King. So, in Australia our arrangement is thus: The Governor General is the direct representative of King Charles in Australia, therefore our Governor General is our Commander in Chief. He signs the Articles of War in the absence of the Monarch if we declare war, and if he/she is able, sh/e should be at the vanguard of the Army when battle is joined, alongside our much beloved National Flag. Having due regard to what I have provided here, what say you: Is the rag a flag, or is the flag a rag?

  • Lilybeth53 says:

    What scares me most about that young 17 year old in the supermarket is that in 10/20 years she may be in a position of authority her brain completely adulterated by all the leftist gobbledygook she’s learnt first at school and then at uni. What hope does this once great country have?

  • cbattle1 says:

    “What hope does this once great country have?” The answer to that question is probably “none”, considering that this country that was once great, was great because of what it was, but it is not now what it once was. In other words, that country no longer exists! A nihilistic assessment? Maybe, but unless the conservative side of politics can quickly grow a spine, we will continue along the current trajectory, and, who knows, there may come a day when the Australian Flag, as it is now, is banned from public display, out of respect for First Nations People.

    • lbloveday says:

      “there may come a day when the Australian Flag, as it is now, is banned from public display, out of respect for First Nations People.”.
      Or because China has annexed Australia.

  • mazziepudding says:

    The Aboriginal flag never was and never will be original to this country. Wasn’t it plagiarised?

    • David Isaac says:

      The colours are those of the socialist international, flown by Belgium and East and West Germany ( whose flags were nearly identical, so that the Ossies had only to give up the hammer and sickle ) as well as Angola and Uganda, all after revolutions or radical governmental change.

      It is clearly the plan to usurp the blue ensign with the yellow sun using the ridiculously promoted Torres Strait flag, just to remind us what 2+2 now equals. Even the shrinking fraction of young people in this country with any residual attachment to Britain are being successfully indoctrinated to despise their ancestors and everyone else has less reason to revere what used to be our flag. We need a patriotic revival the like of which we have never seen to rescue this situation.

  • rosross says:

    They are all brainwashed. Did I imagine it or was it announced the other day that Linda Burney will be the next Governor General? Horrifying but not surprising given the mindless prejudice at work.

  • Paul.Harrison says:

    We live in a Constitutional Monarchy, like it or leave on the first refo boat returning to some ghastly hole in what now could be called Britainistan. Good luck with that. Because our Head of State is a King, King Charles to be exact, he has chosen the Anthem his mum found suitable. It’s title is God Save the King. Now here comes the rub for a lot of people. Because we are still a Constitutional Monarchy, and, just in passing, that Constitution is the only document protecting us from tyranny, this means that, either in his ceremonial presence, or at ceremony during his visit to Australia in the future which calls for his Anthem if in absentia, the music played will be God Save the King. The National Anthem of Australia is still and forevermore God Save the King, unless the Left could be so crass to play our National Song, whatever that is, in or without his physical presence, or at occasion requiring the Anthem be played. While ever my ____ points to the ground I will always stand for the King’s anthem, and certainly will not entertain standing with my hand on my heart when that other stupid jingle is performed. I refuse absolutely that a country can exhibit three flags and have three anthems. I think I may go off now and write my will. My family may need it soon.

    • STD says:

      Paul look at the bright side,at least you recognise the face of truth, this is a good worth not only knowing but pursuing-leave the harder bit’s to God.
      Market signal-By the way, Bullock is just signalling/ flagging that the RBA has essentially now been politicised under Jim Chalmers; who by the way’s greatest claim to fame is a PHD on that rissole Paul Keating- the worlds greatest treasurer; who by the way, the bankers were simply taking the _____ out of.
      “This is Ayn Rand’s final public talk, given in November 1981 to an audience of businessmen at a conference in New Orleans sponsored by the National Committee for Monetary Reform. In this lecture, Rand observes that profit-seeking businessmen, despite conferring huge benefits upon society in the form of higher standards of living, are the “most hated, blamed, denounced men” in the eyes of so-called social humanitarians. This injustice is further compounded when these same victimized businessmen accept their attackers’ moral standards and end up guiltily apologizing for their own productive virtues”.

  • jbhackett says:

    Perhaps the RBA should have been asked why Ms Bullock was not wearing one flag badge only, the one that represents the country for which she works, which is the national flag of Australia. We do not have three national flags. We have one. Those two cuckoo flags have been foisted upon us. They do not represent nations. Aboriginals never had a nation and pretending that they did is part of the push for sovereignty and reparation. Flying three flags at official functions makes this country look ridiculous. I am not aware of any other nation in the world that so willingly belittles its national flag and treats it with such shameful disrespect.

  • Jason Gardner says:

    The head of the same agency that is happily destroying the notion of home ownership with incessant interest rate rises now shows her contempt for our nation.

    She cannot claim to have been ignorant of the meaning behind her gesture.

    It’s of a piece with the elite virtue signaling which was resoundingly rejected last month, but the elites don’t seem to have picked up on that yet.

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