
Pardon if I’m More Bleak Than Usual

Without the rule of law Western civilisation would be dead. Ergo Western civilisation, if not dead, is gasping for breath. Vengeful and vexatious lawfare is being openly waged against Donald Trump by his political opponents. They are not the least shy about it. The rule of law, under which everyone is treated equally, no longer applies in America. It would be a mistake to think that this travesty is a transitory aberration. The bluff has been called. Constitutional guarantees were always meaningless in the absence of patriotism and honour. Patriotism and honour are no longer abiding characteristics on the left side of the political fence. A darkness is spreading across human affairs.

This darkness is not isolated to the rule of law nor is it unique to America. Earlier this year a by-election took place in Rochdale, following the death of the incumbent Labour member for parliament. Rochdale is a working-class Lancashire town in England, adjacent to Manchester and close enough to where I was born in Liverpool. George Galloway of the Workers Party easily won the seat. The Labour Party’s candidate had to be withdrawn after he speculated that Israel might have been complicit in the October 7 attack. After winning, Galloway said, “Kier Starmer, this is for Gaza.” How come? Well, there is no mystery. Rochdale’s population is more than 30 percent Muslim. Muslims vote left until they are numerous enough to set up their own Islamic party. Either way, left or Islamic, detesting Western values and Israel is par for the course.

So where is Australia in all of this? We are doing our bit. And have every chance of being mentioned in dispatches. Let’s see, where to begin. For the sake of brevity I will cover just three bite size pieces; under the headings of lie, lie, and, yes, yet another lie.

First, the Aboriginal lie which involves paying affected homage to a long-gone hunter-gatherer culture. This allows made-up beliefs in, say, the crocodile man, the rainbow serpent, or whale songlines to stymie resource developments in courts of law. It allows myths about historical harms – of which the so-called “Stolen Generations” is prominent – to fester and create debilitating victimhood among a small section of Australians who need encouragement and help to stand on their own feet. And it allows more than half the land area of the country to be tied up in indigenous community ownership.

Second, the immigration lie which involves pretending that multiculturism is an unmitigated boon. In Australia net overseas immigration was over 547,000 in 2023. That is 2 percent of the population of 27 million in just one year. No one voted for this. And, to the point, no one had, or has, a say in the countries and cultures from where migrants are sourced. That is a political no-go area.

Multiculturalism is a shared value among mainstream politicians on both sides of the aisle in Australia, as it appears to be across most of Western Europe and North America. And bolstering this insidious political alliance is the connivance of the mainstream media. And the lie? The lie, flying in the face of all evidence and experience, is that all cultures and religious allegiances are equal. None better or worse in contributing to a peaceful and cohesive society within which values are shared.

So on October 9 last year, just two days after the wanton slaughter, maiming, raping, and kidnapping of Jews in Israel by Hamas terrorists, we had thousands of “Australians” [advisedly, I put Australians in inverted commas] around the Sydney Opera House chanting, “where are the Jews” and “fuck the Jews.” And, according to some reports and my ears, “gas the Jews.” Didn’t seem as though Australian values had penetrated that particular Muslim mob.

The third lie is the lie of so-called catastrophic “climate change.” “The biggest deception in history,” as the late Canadian geographer and writer Dr Tim Ball (1938-2022) called it. But that lie is ubiquitous. Australia also has a derivative lie; a delusion of grandeur of epic proportions. To wit, that a geographically-isolated country of just 27 million people, lucky enough to be sitting on hundreds of years of readily extractable hydrocarbon energy, can simply give it all away and become a “renewable-energy superpower.” And, to boot, a “green-hydrogen superpower.” It defies all sense and reason, as do all delusions of grandeur.

Some people retain an optimism that things will sort themselves out. It is a cockeyed optimism. The barbarians are inside the gate. Institutions of learning have been debauched by communists in drag. The mainstream media has been debauched. Government bureaucracies have been debauched. Even the police and military appear to be succumbing. Islam is fouling Western values and freedoms.

Christianity and patriotism are being hounded out of public life. Replaced by cults paying homage to diversity, equity and inclusion; to LGBTQ oddities; to the equivalent of the sun god of old reprised as “climate change;” and, of late, to a pure manifestation of evil in the form of Hamas and its malevolent supporters openly calling for the slaughter of Jews. Getting to that point of dissolute depravity, even among only a sick small minority, speaks loudly about the degenerate state of our once peerless Judeo-Christian civilisation. Prognosis: terminal without intervention. Flawed, big, brash earthly messiah required. Any thoughts?

Peter Smith


14 thoughts on “Pardon if I’m More Bleak Than Usual

  • Peter Marriott says:

    Good piece Peter and I agree, although I remain sanguine about it all as I’ve learnt from history that things can seem terribly bad and plain wrong at certain stages…… but they can and do get better.

  • Occidental says:

    Peter you start with a sensible and encouraging comment (the importance of the rule of law to our civilisation), and then head straight to the polemic pulpit. Seriously Hamas supporters calling for the slaughter of Jews, when where and how many? Aborigines using lawfare is the operation of the rule of law, (so by the way is the trial of Trump, who attempted to escape the trial by arguing that the rule of law never applied to ex Presidents). I know you despair at the stupidity of modern Australia, most of us here do, but how about a sensible reasoned argument that edifies us. I accept that time is limited, and it is hard work, but if you publish be prepared to be judged.
    Regarding the rule of law, what many do not realise is that its practice depends on diverse elements. An educated legal fraternity, access to representation at a reasonable cost, a competant judiciary, and a sensible political class. Of all those, the last -the politicians, affect all the others. They pick the judges and make the laws including who can be prosecuted and under what conditions. In the end the politicians are a reflection of the polity, ie us. If this country is to reverse its current trajectory, Australians need to stop watching sport, youtube, and love island, and start thinking. The answer lies in us.

  • March says:

    Very frustrating when public are ignored by political class. The No vote on the Voice a classic example. Left wing ALP and soft headed factions in Liberal party still pushing ahead with treaty nonsense despite the strong response from community.

    For Mt Warning a petition to reopen the mountain signed by over 10000 ignored by NSW government. Mtn in limbo and local tourism through the floor.

    If we had a referendum on Nuclear power it would win easily. Yet dumb ALP still going ahead with wind and solar fantasy.

    Quiet majority need to get off their asses.

  • Sindri says:

    Two other items. First, the destructive and self-indulgent lack of confidence our society, the failure to recognise that we have created one of the freest, fairest, most tolerant and prosperous societies on earth; the same could be said about most of the democracies, relatively speaking of course; no-one would pretend that everything is perfect, because it never is, anywhere. This may in part be a subset of your last item. No civilisation can survive if it is mired in self-doubt and bogus, navel-gazing shame.
    Second: in lockstep with our weakness and obsessive self-doubt is the increasing self-assertion of brutal, crude and aggressive governments who have nothing but contempt for our best values and for whom law is the jackboot. Their raison d’etre is the maintenance of power in their hands, and all their devious nonsense about the evils of the west and a “multi-polar world” is directed to that aim. They don’t want to co-exist with us, they want to dominate.
    And here’s a depressing phenomenon: the astonishing modern tendency of a certain kind of conservative to regard the US as the great Satan, hitherto the clamour of dismal lefties. Luckily this tendency is so far confined, and as yet probably doesn’t do too much damage. But it is pure, self-indulgent nonsense, qualitatively just as destructive as the attacks of the baying left. Of course the democracies are rotten in a number of respects. The idea that they are rotten to the core, and that answer is – as an a example – crooks like Putin is frankly childish. Be careful what you wish for.

  • Ceres says:

    You get better and better with your articles Peter. Your bleakness is shared by many, as each day we seem to wake up to more obvious lies and obfuscation told with a straight face by depraved people. Your three bite size pieces are “biggie examples but there are plenty more. The good news is there are some countries which have woken up and elected politicians with common sense and rational policies.

  • Dalone says:

    “Vengeful and vexatious lawfare is being openly waged against Donald Trump by his political opponents.”

    Very true and it has been happening for some time now, ever since he lost the presidency.

    However it continues to happen to Tommy Robinson in GB, and all because he outed moslem grooming gangs.

    Seems he has been forgotten by many and his suffering in prison on trumped up charges has also been forgotten.

    I would like QUADRANT to do a serious story on this man ASAP, I’m sure your readers won’t mind if you drop a few pages of poetry to do so.

  • john mac says:

    I feel the same way, Peter. There is no historical precedent to what is ailing the planet, for it is global now and the malaise is brought upon the West by itself, not external enemies. Sure there is China, Islam, or Russia, but they are known hostiles to be dealt with . What we cannot deal with is the hydra like enemies within. Starting with the greatest hoax ever foisted on humanity- climate change, and bookended by – take your pick , the plandemic and it’s response/acceptance, the complete left turn of every bureaucracy/institution, the judiciary and police forces leading the charge, the lgbtq bully brigade and their offshoots, the unhinged, shrill modern feminism, the big brother presence , the cashless economy (to my mind , the most chilling) or just the politicisation of our sports.. perhaps only a biblical intervention will right the ship.

  • vickisanderson says:

    Yes, Peter …lots of thoughts. Like you, and so many others, I have been increasingly deeply depressed by the abandonment of the principles and aspirations that have inspired western civilisation for so long. The foundation principles of the worth & rights of the individual, service to society, enterprise and the search for meaning supported by critical thinking, have been abandoned. Instead, this rich inheritance has been reduced to that pallid meme – DEI – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

    Personally, I believe that the American classicist Victor Davis Hanson is correct in identifying the accelerating affluence of the West as a disintegrating force in the fabric of our society. It distracts and corrupts.


    More bleak than usual Peter? Arsisiety is on the ‘fritz’; that’s evident. But not to be discomfitted. There’ll always be a remnant of the righteous to be salt and light, a la Matthew 5:13-16.

  • Watchman Williams says:

    Peter, it was George Orwell who wrote; “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”.
    There are many who share your revolutionary thoughts, but the great institutions that once safeguarded our lost and lamented democracy were long ago colonised by the jabbering parrots of the New Class. Parliaments, Courts of Law, Seats of Learning, the Media, the Church – all fell to the barbarian invasion, and are now part of the machinery of oppression. The Deep State rules; and will rule absolutely.
    But it will be a brief reign indeed. The nation that once was, and is now not, has already fallen into tribute status to alien ideologies. So when you’re going through hell, the best thing to do is to keep going until you get out the other end.
    Orwell has another reminder for you, Peter.
    “The more a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it”.

  • Alice Thermopolis says:

    Thank you PS. Listening to the tripe being dished out in Parliament today brought to mind another Orwell quote: “To see what is in front of one’s nose requires a constant struggle.”

  • padmmdpat says:

    Australia is always a few years behind social developments that occur in Britain and Europe. I forecast that soon there will be violent upheaval due to social unrest in both those places. The reasons for that are obvious. People have woken up to the fact that their countries have been invaded. And the invaders are some of their own kind and some are outsiders. And what they have in common is a sense of superiority and a hatred for western culture, religion and values. And when the situation becomes intolerable, violence will be the reaction. It’s only a matter of time. And already here in Australia I feel I am living in an enemy occupied country. For us ‘deplorables’ that’s deplorable.

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