Zeg’s Take

Return to Sender

3 thoughts on “Return to Sender

  • Brilliant! In a letter to the Oz someone wrote that for most of his time as PM he has been Mogadon Malcolm.

    • old44 says:

      Example 2:

      My cousin lives in Beechworth, if she mails a letter to a Beechworth address and wants it delivered on the same day an extra charge is made otherwise the letter is sent to Wangaratta and back to Beechworth.
      60 years ago you could post a letter in a letterbox anywhere in Melbourne before the first pickup and it would be delivered to any Melbourne address the same day.

      That is what $5.5 million p.a. buys you.

  • old44 says:

    Fahour’s minions actually manage, most of the time, to deliver things of worth and value
    Are you mad?
    Four days minimum to deliver a letter from Melbourne to Newcastle, I can drive it in 12 hours.

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