
THE VOICE REFERENDUM: A Statement on Behalf of the British Australian Community

Frank Salter's book available for download free of charge

Pellentesque non nulla in quam sodales rhoncus. Suspendisse luctus ipsum odio, ut facilisis erat accumsan ac. Proin lacinia rhoncus justo.

The demand for an indigenous Voice to Parliament comes at a time of crisis for Anglo-Australia and the nation as a whole. The demand cannot be con­sidered outside this context. It is a fire sale being conducted by the arsonists. The history of Anglo dispossession is the context in which a Voice is being demanded. That his­tory explains why not one Anglo advocate was included in the consultative process that formulated the Voice referendum. The Voice pro­posal fits this pattern by con­forming to globalist anti-Western and anti-national ideology.

The Voice Referendum can be downloaded free of charge via this link