Insights from Quadrant

Standard procedure

The Daily Telegraph reports today (paywalled):

But after writing the opinion piece and speaking on Studio 10 in support of Kennerley, Ms Price was inundated with vile messages from men attacking her on Facebook using violent and misogynistic language.

It will be interesting to see if police take action, as they did several years ago when Gillard-appointed senator Nova Peris was similarly abused. As the SMH reported at the time:

A Central Coast chiropractor and former Liberal Party member has pleaded guilty to posting racist and offensive messages on the Facebook page of former Senator Nova Peris.

Chris Nelson, 64, initially claimed his Facebook profile had been hacked when messages were sent calling Ms Peris a “black c—” and telling her to “f— off” and “go back to the bush and suck on witchity [sic] grubs”.’

The Facebook assault by Aboriginal actor Ashley Gosam, while part of an earlier wave of abuse, is sadly typical, as is the post above.

Is there one law for those on the left and another for all others? This is a fine moment for the authorities to demonstrate such is not the case.





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