That tardy infidel, Captain Cook

tazneemIn case you missed it, Q&A guest Tasneem Chopra last week tossed off the blithe assertion that her co-religionists were the first people, other than Aborigines, to put down roots in Australia:

“…the Muslim community is … being referred to as ‘the migrants’. Now, the Muslim community has been here. We know its origins predate that of Cook.”

The comment was allowed to pass unremarked, with not even a whisper of dissent that visits by Indonesian fishermen to the far North — surely what Chopra was thinking — are not to be considered in the same breath as a state-financed expedition charged in part with finding unknown lands for study and settlement.

Perhaps, if Q&A were to abandon the usual 4-to-1 stack in favour of Central Casting’s weekly retinue of left-leaning luvvies, glib howlers like Ms Chopra’s might inspire demurral, debate and a rather more interesting show. At least she wasn’t singing the praises of David Hicks.

But that wouldn’t be the ABC, would it? Their ABC, that is — an ABC that remains largely untouched and still very much unreformed 12 months after Abbott & Co. assumed office.  


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