Fairfax’s trigger-happy Hebrews

RoP imamIn today’s SMH, Fairfax Mideast correspondent Ruth Pollard details Israeli bastardry:

Palestinian human rights groups have also expressed concern at Israel’s actions, as video after video emerges of alleged offenders being shot dead rather than apprehended.

Those “offenders”, whipped up by the Religion of Peace’s pulpiteers, have been stabbing Jews right and left of late, sometimes running them down with cars, as in this video of just such a murderous attack. By the reckoning of Pollard’s favoured quote-generators, the security guard who shot the killer undoubtedly over-reacted.

If Pollard tires of quoting human-rights groups, she might try reporting on this week’s sermon by the knife-waving Gaza imam pictured  atop this post. Yes, she might do that. But as she works for Fairfax, not much chance of that reporting being done, let alone seeing the light of day in the event she were ever to file a story.

Fairfax doesn’t have many readers left, but it knows what “news” and requisite slant they want.

Pollard’s take on the reporter’s craft can be read in full via the link below.

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