Yassmin’s friends

yaz tour IIOur morning lead story here at Quadrant Online concerns two women who deserve each other and an ABC that seems to believe its audience is well served by tokenism and spectacle, rather than frank discussion of matters evidently of much importance to those who believe Western secularism has an edge on the sacred texts of a seventh-century desert warlord.

That’s not all that is of interest, however, as today’s Australian relates that the more colourfully dressed of Q&A‘s louder lady guests was the beneficiary of a taxpayer-funded jaunt through the capitals of various Trashcanistans in the Middle East and North Africa.

According to Ms Yassmin Abdel-Magied’s blog (above) and Twitter feed, her travel costs were underwritten by “the Australian Embassies”. Readers who subscribe to the Australian can read Caroline Overington’s report here.

Those interested in learning more about the Australian Islamic Mission, first signatory on the petition calling on the ABC to apologise for exposing Ms Abdel-Magied to unwanted questions, can learn more about that organisation and a Muslim Brotherhood preacher it has twice hosted in Australia.

His name is Tareq Al-Suwaidan and, as Rebecca Weisser put it in the Spectator, he is

…a man whose sermons are so violently anti-Semitic that he was banned from attending a Muslim Fair in Belgium last year.

In one sermon Suwaidan said,

‘All the mothers of the Islamic nation – not only Palestinian mothers – should suckle their babies on the hatred of the sons of Zion. We hate them. They are our enemies. We should instill this in the souls of our children, until a new generation arises and wipes them off the face of the earth’.

This from the man AIM imported to launch its fund-raising drive. At the link below, MEMRI has much more on the jet-about Jew baiter.

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